Chapter 24

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"Yeah no problem." Luke smiled one last time before closing the door and Ashton driving away.

Luke's eyes opened because of the sun coming from his window. He yawned and looked for his phone to look at the time. When he finally found it he looked at the bright screen and wrinkled his eyes. Then opened widely when he saw the time. He was going to be late. He quickly got up looked around for clothes, he found his ripped skinny jeans and a black t-shirt as always. He slipped those and his shoes and grabbed an apple before getting out.

When Luke got the school the classes were already started. He ran to his class and smacked his body against the wall and tried to catch his breath. 'How the hell I'm going to go in that class? Everyone is going to look at me. I dont want anyone to look at me. Will they laugh at me? Of course they will. I'm the star student, star students don't be late. But I don't want anyone to laugh at me. I don't I don't' Luke thought. It was happening again. He tried to calm himself but all he could do was thinking about how everyone was going to look at him. He found himself breathing again. He started to panic. There wasn't anyone around to help him. He was all alone. Then he remembered Calum was in his class too. He decided to call him. He knew Calum would answer his call. He pulled out his phone from his pocket with his shaky hands. He tried to tap on Calum's name but he dropped his phone because of his shaky hands. He let himself fall to the ground and reached his phone this time he tapped on Calum's name without dropping his phone.

Calum was tapping his feet on the ground while looking at the door. He was worried he knew Luke would never be late. He was literally staring at the door and praying that Luke will come through it with his large shoulders covered with a black t-shirt and a embarrased face, trying to hide himself. Calum smiled while thinking about Luke. It had been 10 minutes since the class strated and there was no sign of Luke. Calum's little smiled faded slowly as the time passed. Then he felt someone poking him he shook his head looked at his orange haired friend.

''What's up Cal?'' Michael asked. He noticed his friend staring at the door with a worried look on his face.

''Luke.'' He mouthed. Michael looked around and searched his blonde friend in the class but couldn't find him.

''He's not here.'' Calum turned to Michael and sighed.

''Exactly. Look Mike he's never late to the class. What if som-'' He felt his phone buzzing in his pocket. He quickly pulled it out and saw Luke's name on the screen. He answered.

''Luke where the fuck are you?'' He asked.

''Outside of th-the c-class.'' Calum tried to act like he didnt care because Michael was next to him and he was already suspicious about Calum.

''Why about opening the door and stepping in Hemmings?'' Calum tried to cover worry in his voice with the sarcastic one.

''C-calum.'' He heard Luke trying to breathe, he was having those things again. Which he couldn't breathe and black out for minutes. He mumbled 'oh no' before standing up. Making Michael looking at him.

''Ca-lum. I-I ca-can't.'' He stuttered. It was enough for Calum to ran out of the classrom leaving the teacher and Michael in the classroom. He looked around first but couldn't see Luke then he heard Luke trying to breathe on the ground. He threw himslef on the ground next to Luke. He cupped Luke's face and made him look at him.

''Luke. Luke look at me. I'm here.'' Calum looked at Luke's eyes expecting to see his crystal blue eyes but instead his chocolate brown eyes met Luke's gray eyes.

''Hel-p.'' Luke couldn't think of anything. He was just running out of breath. He tried to look down while putting his hand on his chest. He had sweat beads on his forehead. Calum didn't let him look down even though he got a little little scared of Luke's eyes. How the hell they changed into some kind of dead tone of blue? He thought.

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