Chapter 41

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If it was necessary he wouldn't care to get a few cuts on his face.

"I can't believe the little but big trip is nearly over." Luke mumbled as he yawned.

The New York City trip was over and now they were heading out to the airport to get back to Australia. The trip was okay to be honest. They all had loads of fun, did shopping, explored new places, had huge fights, went on dates and lots more. Of course every single one of the boys felt different about the trip. To Luke it was a wonderful trip. Because he and Calum started to date and become closer and it was everything he wanted. Calum took him to places where were really romantic to him. He just felt so loved and loved it. To Calum it was wonderful too but it also was different and weird. He felt weird. It felt weird to let people see. It felt weird to be so open with Luke. Still he loved it. To Michael it was a little eventful. From causing Luke to have another attack to nearly beating up Ashton, from thinking of Ashton in a wrong way to leading them to get lost in Times Square. To Ashton it wasn't too bad but he felt like he had to always keep an on Calum. Which caused him not to have fun like al the other but he was still happy with it. But they were all glad that they decided to go New York City.

"I know right. It feels like it was yesterday that we got lost in Times Square." Ashton said from the front seat. The three of them were seated in the back seats while Ashton was sitting in the front.

"It was yesterday Ash." Luke snorted. It was quite disturbing that how Luke was taking things. He always seemed to find a happy side in a situation. Like getting lost a big and crowded place was a huge deal but he still could laugh over it. But it wasn't because he was finding it funny. He was just trying to ease the pressure that was on Michael's shoulders. He just wanted to see Michael smile even a little. Since he caused Luke to have another attack he didn't seem like he was himself. He wouldn't laugh like he used to, he wouldn't joke like he used to. Everything has changed with Michael and Luke was aware of it and he was working on it.

"I don't want to go back." Calum said grumpily. Luke put his arm around Calum's neck but not wrapping it. He reached Michael's colorful hair and started to play with it. "Why?" Luke questioned his boyfriend.

"I don't want to get stuck in that plane once again." Calum said and puffed his cheeks. Luke chuckled but didn't say anything.

Ashton checked all their suitcases before handing the man the money closing the taxi's door. He exhaled a big deep breath.

"Okay guys. The next stop is Sydney, Australia." They all smiled and entered the airport. They went through control and checked-in, showed their passports. They were all set when their plane was ready to take all its passengers on board.


"How can you eat that much of Nutella? I mean is there anything called Nutella-poising because if there is you will have to suffer from that." Calum said as he tried to take the jar from Luke's hands.

They were in Luke's house, watching stupid movies together, since Luke's dad was on a business trip. Once again. So Luke called up Calum and invited him over to hang out, which meant while Luke was eating every unhealthy food he could find Calum trying to find a good movie and convincing Luke to stop eating that much Nutella.

"But it tastes so good. Why do you hate Nutella so much?" Luke whined as he put a new spoon of Nutella in his mouth, moaning softly. Calum crinkled his eyes when he heard Luke moaning. He pushed Luke away a little.

"I don't. I just don't like it as much as you do." He said. "Why wouldn't you?" Luke chuckled and climbed on Calum with a spoon of Nutella in his hand. "I don't kn-Luke... Luke no.. Lu-" Before he could say anything Luke wiped the spoon of Nutella against Calum's cheek and lips with blurting a loud laugh after it. "Oh my god." Calum was frozen and closed his eyes and silently laughed. "I can't believe you just did that." he said still silently laughing. "I did." Luke replied. He climbed on Calum once again but for this time it was to wipe the Nutella off of his face. Their face become closer and they could feel each other's breath. Calum took advantage of this and by pulling Luke to himself with his hand pushing him from his neck, he felt Luke's soft lips on his Nutella covered ones. Luke was surprised by this move but didn't mind. He smiled into the kiss.

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