Chapter 37

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And he was hoping he would enjoy the next week too.

''Ashton! Wake up! We're gonna be late. Come on!'' Luke cried while he was shaking Ashton to get up. Last night when they arrived home Luke went straight to his room and slept because he knew they would be up really early to be at the airport in time. But Ashton, he spent 2 hours on the phone, non-stop talking. He was regretting it now. He only had 3 hours of sleep.

Luke shook Ashton's muscular body once again with screaming his name and threathening him with making him take a cold shower Ashton finally opened his eyes.

''Finally.'' Luke said and sat down next to the dirty blonde guy who was looking around like he was an alien. He yawned and looked around one more time before looking at Luke trying figure out who he was.

''Luke?'' Luke chuckled at Ashton's confusion and waved at him.

''Where am I?'' he questioned, fluttered his eyes, having a struggle with making them stay open.

''My house, your room. In case you forgot we have a flight in 2 hours to New York.'' Luke looked at his phone to check the time and his eyes widened when he saw the time.

''And you are going to dress up really quickly because we're running out of time. We can grab something at the airport once we check in. Fine?'' he looked at his best friend looking at him like he was talking in a different language. Luke smiled in sympathy and get up. He looked around for the clothes Ashton prepared for the flight. Once he found them he handed them to Ashton who was now more conscious.

''Here just wear them. I'll handle the rest.'' he left the room mumbling to himself about what he has to do before leaving for the airport.

Ashton quickled slipped on the sweatpants, t-shirt and his beanie the he picked the other day. He looked around and yawned. He was so freaking tired. He felt like a bus just drive over him. But he had to stay up that late to make sure everything was okay with Michael convincing Calum. And telling him what they had to have with them. He took his phone and tapped on Michael's name.

''Yeah?'' he heard Michael's morning voice talking. It was obvious he just got up but it didn't really sound sleepy.

''Are you all set up?'' Ashton asked whispering. It was still a secret for Luke. He wanted it to be. He wanted to Luke's face when he saw Calum at the airport along with Michael. Ashton imagined it a little. It would be like the time when Calum gave Luke his flannel when he was cold yesterday. His face would lit up along with his blue eyes and his dimples would pop out while giggles escaping from his mouth. And he would look down to hide the happiness and love in his eyes and try to hold back himself from jumping on Calum and hug him to death.

''Yes.'' Ashton smiled. It took them so much to convince Calum. It was nice to hear that even he was dressed up waiting for the time to make their way to the airport.

''Okay. I'll see you guys there.'' Ashton said and hung up. After 2 minutes Luke came in with a smile on his face telling that it was time to leave. Ashton took his suitcase from the corner of his room and went after Luke to downstairs where Andrew was waiting for them.

"You guys are ready?" Luke's dad asked before grabbing his keys and heading outside. Ashton looked at Luke and nodded before going after. Luke smiled and shut the door after him.

"You guys be safe okay?" Andrew looked at Ashton meaning that he was trusting him about Luke's safety. Ashton got why Andrew was counting on him. It had been a few times where Ashton saved Luke's ass. Ashton nodded and placed a hand on Luke's shoulder.

"We will be okay. Don't worry." Ashton reassured Luke's dad that they will be fine. He knew they would be. Luke wasn't a noisy guy well he was but only if he's in the mood. The worst damage he can get is a broken arm and that's all. Ashton wouldn't let anything bad happen to him beside there will be Calum and Michael who are protective over Like as much as him. He knew they wouldn't let anything bad happen to Luke either. His ass was safe.

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