Chapter 35

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"Hey Michael, I need you to do me a favor."

The four friends were all in the same class. It was their last class. The last bell rang as the four of the boys blurted out laughs and shouted "it's over."

Luke went to his locker to put his books where Ashton followed him there since his locker was next to Luke's. They were putting their books and school stuff in their locker so that they won't have to deal with all the stress when they're going to go back to school and try to find all of their books. Ashton once lost his pencil case and found it a year later under the couch that was belonged to Luke. They both didn't know how the hell did it get there.

"Are you excited for tonight?" Ashton asked as he shoved his belonging into his locker and shutting. he pressed his forehead against his locker and smiled at the cold feeling.

They had their flight to New York tonight or more like morning because it was 4 in the morning. The only flight that was available left was at that time and they had to buy it since Luke wanted to go so badly.

"Kind of." Luke said as he smiled and shut his locker after he placed everything in in an order since he liked being neat and tidy.

Suddenly Luke felt hands covering his eyes. He jumped but the owner of the hands didn't mind Luke's little scared reaction and continued closing Luke's eyes with their little hands. The guy who was closing Luke's eyes was also hugging him behind. Luke struggled with the guy a little with giggles escaping from his mouth making everyone around him laugh too.

"I'm not planning on letting you go unless you guess who I am right." The voice chirped making it obvious that it was Michael. Luke's hands were still trying to make Michael's let go of his face. He wasn't doing well.

"Michael let of me." Luke giggled more as Michael let go of his eye but started to tickle him. Luke immediately let himself fall down to ground. He was so ticklish that a little touch made him turn into a giggling mess. Even though Luke fall down to floor Michael knelt down and kept tickling him.

"M-mic-ha-Michael Mike s- stop." he stuttered he was breathless and had tears on the edge of his eyes because of laughing too much. Everyone around them was laughing at their position. Well there was only four people there but that still counts. Ashton was enjoying the moment of his best friend laughing and having fun. Luke gone through a lot of things lately and Ashton just wanted to make sure he was okay and kept smiling. Michael who was tickling Luke was laughing too because he grew to be best friend with Luke since the past 3 days and was also happy to see Luke happy after what he had seen.

Calum was keeping a little more distance between everyone and him than he used to keep. Because he was afraid to break down again.

He was jealous because it wasn't him that made Luke that happy and cry from laughter but he was of course so happy to see him like that. So he just stand there back pressed against a locker and looked at Luke who was laughing and struggling with Michael trying to hide his smile. He heard Luke scream like a girl and a small smile formed on his lips, chuckling as he shook his head in amusement. But quickly went back to his emotionless face when Ashton caught him and smirked at him.

"Guys I think we are the only ones that are still in the school." Ashton said while laughing more and looking around. "Should we get going?" Michael asked. He was done with tickling Luke.

"I g-guess we should. I-I don't want to get locked up in this hell hole." Luke said who was breathing fast and back was pressed against a locker and was still on the floor giggling. He slowly moved his hands around his body pressing down to floor to get his body straight up. But he saw a hand extended and smiled as he took. But he pulled Calum down and caused him to fall on him with a shocking impressions a soft chuckle. For a few seconds all Calum did was looking at the blonde lad who was smiling genuinely just centimeters away from his face. He looked at Luke's unbelievably white teeth and pink lips which looked so kissable at the moment. Their legs were tangled and when Calum realized their position and tried to get away he only cause himself to fall more onto Luke now he could smell Luke's vanilla scent. He smelled Luke's scent for a few seconds before leaning to his right trying to get away from Luke's grip on him. Luckily this time he managed to roll to his right and landed on his back keeping that soft chuckle he had. He slowly put his head on the floor and sighed. He looked at Luke who still was laughing hysterically. He looked around and noticed Luke's snapback which was laying under his legs. He slowly made himself get up still having eyes on the blonde lad. When he was once up he got Luke's snapback and placed it on his head blinked at Luke who was still laughing on the floor and started to walk. Luke shook his head as he bit his tongue as he smiled widely and got up.

"So where are we going?" Luke put his one hand on Ashton's shoulder and the other on Michael's and pressed on their shoulder to make himself jump and land a little in front of them. As he pressed on Michael and Ashton's shoulder they both bent under the pressure Luke made on their shoulder. They both giggled. Luke kept skipping and jumping between his steps.

"I don't know. Where do you want to go?" Michael asked as he turned to Luke. Luke actually didn't know the four will hang out together that day until a few hours ago. Michael came up to him and told him that he, Ashton and Calum will be his slave for the rest of the afternoon.

"You choose master." Luke said and giggled. Ashton rolled his eyes and looked ahead. Calum was walking ahead of them with hands shoved into his slashed jeans' pockets, still having Luke's snapback on. Ashton smiled at Calum improving at showing his emotions more. At first Ashton was scared what Calum might do when Luke first pulled him down. He was scared that Calum might shove Luke and yell at him. Ashton was glad that Calum didn't do that because if he did bad things would've happened.

''Okay so there's this place.'' Luke exclaimed not even 2 seconds passed after he said 'you choose master' which made Michael and Ashton giggle. Ashton motioned him to go on.

''I heard that there was a big aquarium kind of thing which has a snow center in it. It's called snow world I haven't been there before but I thought it would a good choice since it's hot outside. And I love cold. Please guys come on.'' Luke begged even though no one said anything against his idea.

''Sounds fun.'' Michael shrugged and kept walking. Ashton nodded too and there was only Calum left who hadn't said anything. So Luke ran to him and did the same jumping thing on Calum too. But Calum was more muscular than the other two boys and could stand without bending under Luke's weight so Luke could be able to jump higher. Calum smiled when he felt Luke's hands on his shoulder and pressing it down.

''What do you think about going to that snow world thing?'' Luke chirped from Calum's back still having his hands on Calum's shoulders. ''I want to beat your ass at sleding down from that little cliff they have there.'' Luke continued. Calum looked down and chuckled as he took Luke's snapback from his head and placed it on Luke's.

''We'll see then.''


hi hi hi people early update because I have a day off from school because I feel like shit well whatever I think I might update today or tomorrow because I feel like it okay? so have fun happy friday everyone lol

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