Chapter 30

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He was not actually a bad guy, he was just hiding his insecurities.

Luke put his backpack on the floor and sat down to his seat. He was early because he knew what happens when he gets get and he didn't want to worry Calum anymore. Wait does Calum care anyways? He probably doesn't. Then why did he looked so panicked the last time Luke couldn't breathe. He saw it in his eyes. Calum's eyes were like burning with worry. He even hugged him. And the time when Blake hurt him. He came to Luke and straight hugged him. That sense when Calum hugged Luke. He felt safe and warm. He knew Calum wouldn't let him get hurt. But Luke shouldn't be thinking about this. He shook his head to avoid the thought of Calum. He looked up to find something different to think about than Calum.

He saw the other people going in and then after putting their bags going out again. He looked up to scan people's faces. There were too many different kind of people there. Punk ones, Emo ones, nerd ones, popular ones, shy ones, normal ones. They were so different from each other. Every single one had a thing that made them different from the others. The bright smile but hiding bad things underneath, the really smiling one, the actually sad one, the sleepy one. A lot of different kinds. And in all of these different people Luke was scanning he was only looking for special one to come in. The one with the tan skin, dark hair and chocolate brown eyes. He was waiting for Calum to walk in with a careless face with his ripped jeans and combat boots rubbing the floor.

Even the times when Luke wasn't looking for Calum he was looking for Calum. He didn't stop looking at the door, watching the people come in. It had been 25 minutes but there wasn't any sign of Calum.

Luke looked down for a minute and sighed. Would he talk to me even he was here? He thought. He gave up on watching the door. He took his book from his backpack. He opened his book and started to read it until the now red haired lad poked him.

"Sup Luke?" Michael said with his squeaky voice trying to cheer up Luke because he noticed the sad face he had. But Luke just closed his book and look up to Michael. A little smile formed on his lips because he didn't want Michael ask him questions.

"Nothing. You know just the regular things. What about you Mike?" He asked back looking this time down. Michael always reminded him of Calum. He met and became friends with Michael because of him. Plus Michael had the exact same music taste with Calum and he kept wearing band tees that Calum was listening and wearing. And today Michael had Blink-182 t-shirt on. Which made Luke feel weird inside. Because the time Calum add songs to Luke's ipod Luke like I miss you by blink-182 the most. It was feeling weird.

"Don't try to fool me." Michael whisper shouted because the teacher came in. Luke wondered how Michael understood he thought he hid it perfect. But he clearly didn't. He tried to continue his little acting. He looked into Michael's green serious looking eyes with a confused look.

"What?" He added to be more convincing that he wasn't hiding something. But Michael just smirked.

"Spit it Hemmings." Luke looked down and sighed. He decided to tell Michael because he was the only one he could actually talk about it. He couldn't talk with Ashton because he would get angry at Calum and he didn't have anyone other than Ashton.

Luke looked at Michael once again but this time not trying hide his sadness. Michael leaned over Luke when he saw his face. He was more concerned now. Michael understood that something was really wrong.

Luke sighed one more time while trying to figure out how he was going to tell Michael. He looked into Michael's eyes and frowned more.

"Do you think Calum h-hates me?" He asked quietly making Michael raise his eyebrow.

"What makes you think that Luke?" Michael asked getting deeper with the conversation because he knew Calum was feeling something for this blonde. He was so sure about it but it made him sad that Luke wasn't aware of those. He couldn't believe that Luke actually thought Calum hate him. But of course Michael couldn't tell it straight to Luke. Calum would beat his ass up.

"He never liked me, did he?" Luke mumbled to himself. His eyes were getting filled with tears every second but he wasn't letting them to fall from his eyes.

Michael looked at the frowning boy and placed a hand on his shoulder making Luke tense up under his hand.

"Luke he lik-"

"No he doesn't Michael. Stop lying to me. Nobody likes me. Why would they?" Luke him off. Michael felt really sorry for Luke. Luke shouldn't be feeling this way. He was a good guy. He had a good music taste, a good body, blonde hair, blue eyes, good grades, sense of humor. Everything a girl could ask for. But the thing is a girl wasn't what Luke was looking for.

"I'm just a nerd who gets high marks. That's all." Luke was on the edge of crying. He had been bottling every single feeling up lately. And it was becoming a big problem to keep them in.

Michael slowly started to rub circles on Luke's back.

"Luke I like you." Michael didn't know what to say anymore. He felt so useless for couldn't making the poor boy feel a little better. Luke looked up to Michael and smile really really small that Michael couldn't understand it was a smile. Then sniffled.

"Look I don't know what Calum made or said to you but I will chop his balls off for making you this upset. Okay?" Michael said while smiling a little.

"No don't do that. Really. I don- I don't want to this anyways. I can't just make people like me. Just-ugh" Luke cut himself off by tugging at his hair because of frustration.

"No, no." Michael chuckled a little trying to soften the situation. He took Luke's hand from his hair and made them rest on his desk.

"You're so innocent aren't you?" Michael said while looking at Luke's still frowning but confused face.

"I was being sarcastic idiot. I'm not gonna chop his balls off. Of course not. That would hur-that would hurt a lot. That will ew." Michael said while imagining him cutting Calum's balls off. He shook his head in disgust and chuckled.

Michael could chuckle but Luke was feeling worse and worse as every second passed and he felt like he couldn't hold his tears any longer. He got up and ran out from the classroom not asking teachers permission. He knew he was gonna regret it but he didn't care at that moment.

Michael was froze for a few seconds and after he realized what Luke just did he got and started to run after him.

"Luke wait. It's okay, just we can talk right?" Michael shouted a little. Luke stopped for a moment and turned around. To face with Michael.

"Why don't you just give up and hate me like Calum does?" He asked while still trying to hold everything back.

"Like who?"


Oops cliffhanger. Who do you think said that? Well I don't know either lol. Btw sorry for making you guys wait this long because it was my exam week and I literally studied all night long well what ever and for the photo I choose just imagine that as Luke tearing up before our secret character asks like who ok I'm out hope you enjoy 🌝🌝🌝🌚🌚🌚

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