Chapter One

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Blossom POV:

I filed up two suitcases of clothes and two backpacks of important things that I'll be needing. I still couldn't believe I was actually heading to college. I could feel butterflies and my palms turning sweaty, 'Shit' I thought. This would always happen to me when I get nervous.

I don't know why I'm getting nervous. It isn't like something bad is going to happen, right?

I'm probably just nervous because of my roommate I'll be stuck with. What happened if they don't like me? What happened if they stink? Oh my lord, there's so many things that could go wrong.

Maybe I should just bring some baked cookies. Everybody loves chocolate chip cookies especially homemade cookies.

But would I even have time to bake? 'Blossom calm down. Your just going to be sharing a dorm  with a total stranger. There's nothing to worry about!'

"I should take a hot shower, that'll probably relax me."


It was a few minutes later that I finally finished my hot shower. My mind was calm and clear from those negative thoughts. I decided to do a half a ponytail, tying it with my signature red bow of course. I put on a small amount of makeup, ya know? Not too much. I don't want to scare my roommate away.

I picked out a casually outfit which was a pink dress with a belt with a heart in the middle and  my brown high heel boots. I went through my jewelry box, looking through what kind of earring I should wear.

"Ah Ha!"

I grabbed my pink heart earrings to go with my outfit! Perfect. I grabbed my phone that was laying on my soft king size bed. 'Damn, I guess I'm ready to leave. I should head downstairs and wait for my sisters'


Bubbles POV:

"So I packed my; computer, makeup, clothes and My Octi." I smiled brightly at having everything checked out on my list. 'I just need to put on my outfit'

I picked out a pink skirt and a blue tank top with white dots on it and my simple black flats. I dried my hair with my hair dryer from the hot shower I took 20 minutes ago.

When I was finished brushing my hair, I put it on my ordinary pigtails. 'Dammit' There was always that baby hair that would stick out out of nowhere. I looked around my make up table, seeing if maybe there was a hair clip which luckily I did find one. I clipped my pink flower clip on my baby  hair that was hanging on my face.


Buttercup Pov.

I was trying to pick out a outfit. I just came out of the shower and I couldn't find anything to wear! strange, Right?

Well finally I found the outfit I was looking for. My outfit was brown overalls with a green shirt under it, I put on my dark green boots last was my brown hat


I didn't need to do my hair like who has time for that anyways?

I'm kinda excited to go to college but, in the same time annoyed of the early rising and getting to class on time but I shouldn't be worrying about that. I just need to hear for my dad's call if we're ready to go.


Professor: Are you ready to go Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup?!

All PPG:YES!!!

Professor: Ok lets go! don't forget anything!

All PPG: alright Professor

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