Chapter Fifteen

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Blossom P.O.V

I went in the bathroom, I looked at my self in the mirror, shit I look horrible I thought.

I turn on the sink and started washing my face. I grabbed a piece of paper towel and started cleaning my face.

When I stopped and looked back at the mirror...I saw her.

"Long time no see Blossom" she said smiling

"Yea, damn you changed a lot" I said looking at her

"I know right, I cut my hair and I got this really cute skirt and top, and omfg you should see my new ribbon"

I smiled at her and laughed a little from her excitement. She looked mature to be honest, Berserk was one year older then me. She was like a older sister you would say.

Ever since we became friends and stop hating each other and help each other out. We became closer then ever.

"So how come your here? I didn't see you singing" I ask her confused

"Ohh, because I'm here on a date also my sisters"

I 'Oooo' her and asked her who was the guy, she soon told me his name and told me he was from the other portal like her. He seem like a right guy for her. I could tell she was really happy with him.

"So Blossom, any guy out there your crushing on or maybe dating?" She smirked at me

I looked down and told her no, but I told her about Brick though.

"Wait what about brick?"

" see, I umm"

"Spill it Blossom"

"Okay okay, soo...Meandhimmadeoutintheclosetandalmosthadsexorsomethingidontevenknowandhegotmefeelingsomethingandisawhimwithanothergirlthenextdaywemadeoutintheclosetandthereasonimtryingtocovermychestisbecauseheleftmehickeysallaroundme"

I gave her a nervous smiled and saw her face very confused.

"Um, I didn't understand anything of what you just said"

I sweat dropped

Crap, well breath in Blossom you can do this, I said giving myself a pep talk in my head.

Well, me and brick....

To Be Continued

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