Chapter Twenty-Two

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Boomer POV:

Boomer fly in speed the whole way, his mind wild with thoughts of what he should say or do or what could happen. He then remembered her face she had when they were at the hospital. He sweared he say a tear fall from her eye.

Boomer open up the dorm but She wasn't there anymore. He let out a sigh, "Shit" he said. Boomer went inside her room seeing the door was already open, he saw drawings and cute pillows and plushy of different anime shows. He went over her desk seeing a blue book or.. diary?

He grabbed the book and opened it up leading him in a random page.

"Dear diary,

Today was a horrible day. I had 10 assignments and I have to do 3 projects in just one week. I'm getting so stressed out. Imma lose it soon I bet, but right now that I'm sitting down and writing down all my thoughts feels nice. Sometimes I think about the fact why Boomer ended up as my Dorm Buddy. Was there something behind this? And the crazy part about this is that.. I like him. Jeeze, now I don't know why I'm crying, it's probably because I know he'll never fell the same and he hates m-"

Boomer got interrupted reading by the voice who owned the book.

"What are you doing in my room?" She asked him

"I Uhh, the door of your room was wide open so-"

"That still has no rights for you to go in my room without my permission"

"Uh well it's doesn't matter anyways.. your leaving and I'll be using this room for something" Boomer told her.

'The jerk, he still has no heart and continues being a asshole' Bubbles thought.

"Okay fine whatever. I just came to get something. It's on my tabl-" Bubbles stopped in her sentence as she saw her Diary wasn't on the table anymore ... but in his hands.

"Why do you have my book?" She asked, Boomer stayed quiet he didn't know how to respond to that. Bubbles say he was holding on to the book as he was on a page reading. Her face turn red as if he maybe read something private of hers.

"Gimme back my Book please" She said not daring to look into his eyes of embarrassment. Boomer let out a cough "Sure" he said as he handed her the diary, but hands touch by accident. Bubbles grabbed the book and she turn around still not looking at him, "Well see you around Boomer" she said then walking away to the door.

As she was close to opening up the door she felt arms wrapped around body from behind. "Please don't go" He whispered to her ear. Bubbles felt chills go down her spine. She had no words to say to him except "please let go of me Boomer" Boomer let out a sigh of understanding her. He let go of her and watched her leaving as she shut the door behind her.

Boomer felt like breaking things , he hasn't felt this mad for a long time and he knew why, it was because she left and probably was going to date that  guy with a Doctor Degree, He was nothing compared to him.

He didn't feel like crying and he didn't know why, maybe it's because he doesn't have that much feelings for her as she does for him..

He was so confused in many ways. All he felt like doing was having some few drinks. He grabbed his phone and jacket and started heading out to go to bar.

College Roommates ✔️ (WILL Be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now