Chapter Ten

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Blossom POV:

It was the next morning, I got a shower and did my hair also makeup, and picking any outfit that is comfortable.

I get out of my room and head for the kitchen grabbing a apple, I head to the door putting my bag around me and my keys.

I shut the door and get ready to go to my classes.

//Few Hours Later//

Jeeze, today was stressful.

I need a nice nap, and Strawberry cake (♡o♡)

As I was about to hit the hay, I hear a ringing

'To save the world before bedtime!
It's the time to shine when you're fighting crime! Who's got the power? We got the power!'

That's my ringtone, I think I need to change it.

I answered





"But I'm tired"

"Okay okay fine"

"Be there in a few"

I hang up my phone and hear a knock on the door


I get change quickly with my super speed

I had on a nice red dress simple but beautiful

I opened the door


"Are you ready to go? Come on my brothers are gonna complain"

I raise my eyebrow
"What you mean? Where you going?"

"I'm going with you and your sisters your sister invited me"

"Which one?"

"The crybaby one, she invited me I dont know why"

I roll my eyes "Shes not a crybaby"

"Yea sure, You know the truth you just defending her"

I glared at him, "Stop looking at me like that and lets go"

He put out his hand so I can grab it

"In your dreams, hothead" I said

He looked at me piss off

Not my fault he acts like one

I look at the time, shizz buttercup gonna kill me

I zoom out of the dorm

"HEY WAIT FOR MEE!!" I heard brick say

//few minutes later//


When they all got to the karaoke, they picked a table and sat down

College Roommates ✔️ (WILL Be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now