Thank you for the rescue....

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"BLOSSOM!" They all yelled at the same time, bell's eye's widened her body started shaking her mouth begin to become dry all she knew was she mess up with the wrong person.

Blossom grab the sword with her hand tightly letting it not touch her neck. The sword was stab deep in her right hand making blood splatter on the ground and drip down her hand "AHHHHHH!!" Blossom yelled from pain, bell's body stood still while holding the sword hard "IMPOSSIBLE!" Bell yelled
"I guess you weren't lying about training hard But your fast reflexes is a little short" Blossom said with a smirk, bell's eyes turn back to rage and tighten "You're dead!" She said pulling her sword out of her hand making blossom's hand lose more blood, blossom look at her hand and saw a deep cut. She raise up her head and saw bell getting ready to throw her sword again but at her head now, blossom didn't know what to do she couldn't get her sword or weapon out she was badly injured and she knew by the looks of the sword it wasn't any Kind of was special making her wound badly injured. "Blossom!" Yelled all her teammates flying fast to her to save her but none of them was fast enough or so you thought.
"BLOSSOM!" Yelled a voice and she knew that voice anywhere...Berserk
Everything was still going slow motion for some reason, blossom turn around to see her Best friend flying super speed for her rescue and way behind we're Berserk's sisters following her.
Out of nowhere berserk attack bell giving her punch after punch not regretting anything.

Blossom body fell back letting out a big sigh of relief "Thank you" she whisper, berserk just smiled "Bloss get ready to fight her! I don't think I'll still be able to hold her down any longer !" She yelled, Blossom nod her head and got up but fail miserably "gotcha" said brick holding her from not falling back to the cold ground, she looked up and saw all her friends and sisters there behind her and brick, ready to help out in the fight.

Blossom just kept a straight face she let go of bricks arms, she took out her bow from her hair and untie it showing a red ribbon on her hand, she tie it around her her two hands.
She rip a piece of her pink short dress and tie it around her leg that had blood dripping out, there was a few scratches on her face but she didn't mind. The only thing that was bothering her was her very LONG hair, how was she going to fight bell with her hair in the way.
She open her pink magical watch pulling out a big shiny magical pink sword, she close her eyes squeezing her eyebrows together, she never really like the idea cutting her hair but it had to be done 'Come on Blossom just do it already you can't let your friends die because of not cutting your hair' she thought she threw her sword up and down ready to slice her hair short just like buttercups hair due when she was a child, everyone eyes widened on what she was about to do but she stopped when she heard her best friend being thrown back hitting a building
"Sorry blossom but she was to strong" she whisper as her body fell on the ground hitting her face down on the floor "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Blossom yelled at bell.
Bell just smiled evilly "Actually I'm the daughter of Him ruler of Hell" she said then laughed "Blossom CATCH!" Berserk said loud but weakly, Blossom turn her attention to berserk again and catch the thing she threw at her. It was one of her ribbons string 'she must of cut it for me' she thought "It's for you to wear it! You shouldn't cut your hair!" She saids with a weak smile before passing out, "Go help out Berserk! I'll deal with Bell!" Blossom said ordering her her sisters,the ruffs also Berserk's sisters.
They all look at blossom with a anger face and all yelled at them same time "YOUR NOT FIGHTING HER ALONE!" Blossom looked surprise and shock but went back normal "NO! She's my problem....I know something she is going threw" blossom said whispering the last part. All of them wanted to respond and say something but stopped when blossom held her sword out at them "HELP BERSERK AND THATS FINAL" she said glowing her eyes a dark color pink, they all got scared hug each other " Yes Ma'am!" They yelled before flying off. Blossom let out a big sigh "So are we going to fight or not?" Bell ask innocent sitting down with her legs crossed looking at her nails. Blossom tied the ribbon fast making a ponytail But Not with a Bow on Top.
She grab her sword tightly and look at bell with devil eyes that showed 'Your going to be history'
Bell just smiled evilly and got up also grabbing on her sword.
"Let The Live and Death Begin"

To be continue.....

Please Vote, Comment, Follow (Btw I draw that picture of Blossom ...Please tell what you think about it, I get it if you don't like the picture I drew😣😔) I just hope you like the Drawing I drew 😊🙂🙏🏼✍🏽

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