The fight is just beginning

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Blossom P.O.V

I flew out of the house making a big hole on the roof. I started flying and flying I cold hear my sisters and ruff's yelling at me and saying many thing then I realized something I stop flying making the other one's bump into my back in surprise "Where the hell I'm I even going" I said out load "That's what we been telling you bloss" said Buttercup with annoyed face, I started laughing nervously "Sorr- ouch! not this again" I said holding my stomach tightly "What's wrong blossom!?" everybody said in a unison "Nothing I-I'm fine" I said still holding on my stomach and shutting my eyes tightly not wanting to open them "Blossom, can I talk to you for a bit" Bubbles ask, I just nod my head. Bubbles grab my arm and we went far away from the group so they won't hear us.

"What Bubbles?"

"Blossom it's getting worse, I think it won't be sa-"

"Bubble's I'll be fine someone needs to lead the team remember?"

"yeah, but how are you going to umm tell brick" My eye's widened I didn't really plan on telling him but I have to anyways it has someone to do with him after all.

"I don't know bubs but later when this is over" I said giving her a fake smile

"I just hope so" she said giving me a worried face, I was about to say something else but then a white light come out of nowhere and hit Bubbles, Bubbles flew off hitting a brick building and I could hear her groan from pain "Bubbles!" I scream I flew over to her as fast as I could then the ruffs and Buttercup came and asking what happen. I just looked at the direction where the light came from and everyone followed my gaze, black smoke was everywhere then we started to here a evil laugh. That voice I know it anywhere......'Bell' I thought.

"Good to see you again 'Puff's'" she said with a smirk, she started looking at Buttercup then at me and Bub's finally she looked at the ruff's, her eye's widen a little seeing Brick "It's been long since we last saw each other, Babe" said bell looking at Brick.

Brick's eye's turn to a deep color of red "Don't call me that" he said angry "So.. I'm guessing you're here to stop me" bell said as if she was ancient

Buttercup launched over to her giving her a punch in the face with a kick But buttercup eye's widen, Bell had buttercup fist in her hand while her other hand was holding on her leg "I don't think so" bell said in a dangerous voice, Bell threw a blast in Buttercup stomach sending her flying but soon buttercup landed on the ground with her hand grabbing tightly digging her nails inside the street making it crack so she can stop and stand up from the ground.

Buttercup looked at me and Bubbles we nod our head in agreement, we zoom out to bell's body ready to knock her out But it change when she did this symbols with her hands and our bodies started flowing up then electric started zapping our bodies in pain "Ahhhh!" me and sisters yell from pain, But soon stopped when the ruff's came zooming on bell in surprise and started punching her also trying to miss her hit's, Boomer started making a electric baseball bat and hitting Bell's power off "HOMERUN!" he yelled out, we fell on the group breathing heavenly

"Thanks guys" me and sister said

The rowdies started hitting bell while bell did nothing but smile creepy "Guy's stop!" I yell at them "Why?" Brick ask "Because she's planning something I can feel it" I said looking closely to bell, "You shouldn't have done that" bell said rising her head up, her eyes went compliantly white her hair started going wild and up "I WILL GET MY REVENGE!" she yelled but soon it stopped and she start going normal "Huh? what happen?" she said looking at her palms, then out of nowhere HIM appear, his laughter was the only thing we could all hear

"Bell, Not yet" He said

"Yes father, I will wait when it's right" bell said looking at her father then her head shot to me "You!" she said... I could feel like we we're like the only people standing, the wind started getting stronger making my long orange hair flow in the wind also her white hair flow too, we stared at each other what felt like hours...

"You're going to die and be gone....forever" she said quietly

"I don't count on that, you will be the one gone"

"Bring it"

"If that's what you want, then be it" I said looking at her with dangerous eye's

Author P.O.V

As again it got silent between the two girls until Bell took out a sword out of nowhere and threw it at Blossom neck and......blood was splatter on the ground Follow by screams from her sisters and Ruff's .............




to be continue...

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