Chapter Eighteen

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Blossom POV:

I was so lost, I didn't understand what was happening right now. I was nervous and scared.

"Huh?" Was the only thing that could actually come out of my mouth..he looked at me like he was having struggle to explain what he was gonna say to me.

I interrupted his thoughts "I see you as my roommate, Also the guy I fought in the Battlefield, that's it."

I said loud enough for him to hear me and clearly. He looked at me with a face I can't explain and didn't say anything for a long time.

Brick POV:

When she explain how she felt, I knew I was right about everything. I knew I didn't mean anything to her.

I'm guessing I was thinking too much cause she gave me that face for me to answer her or say something

"Oh..Um okay cool, I just wanted to know since I was curious and bored" I said I gave her a look that said everything is fine and normal.

Blossom POV:

I wanted to say something else when he ask me how did I see him as. But couldn' would be awkward and he hates me I guess so I kept my mouth shut.

"Yea..well see you later. I got a lot of work to do"

"Haha oh yea, me too. I forgot I should get going to my room too" he said walking away

I stood there for a few seconds thinking what just happened.

Author POV:

As the two leaders went to their rooms and worked on their assignment.

They couldn't stop thinking about each other..

//3Hours Later//

As the both red heads were working, a knock on the door was soon heard.

"I'm coming!" Said Blossom, as blossom opened the door to see who it was.

Dexter was standing right there giving her a bright smile "Hey blossom"

Blossom smiled back and was about to ask him what made him come..till Dexter eyes turn white and scared

"How come two-eyes here?" Said Brick

Blossom jumped up

Dexter gave a annoyed look, he hated being called that. He's been picked on from Brick since Elementary school unfortunately.

"I came to see Blossom?"  He said

"Why?" Brick said annoyance in his voice

Blossom was confused too, why did he come?
"Yea, how come you came? Did something happened?" She said worried

"No no, I just came to see you. I wanted to hang out with you since it been awhile" he said giving a smile

"Oh, okay. Let me get change" Said blossom running to her room "Come in and sit in the couch while I get Change" she said before closing the door

As Dexter got inside and sat down. Brick was leaning on the wall giving him a glare
"Are you gonna be staring at me the whole time Brick?" Dexter said with a sweat drop

"Why are you exactly here?" Said Brick ignoring the question he said

"I'm here to hang out with Blossom that's it" he said

But Brick didn't believe that, he felt like something was up. He went to the kitchen to get a water bottle.

While Dexter was still sitting down, looking at his phone of the New assignments he was sent by his teacher.

College Roommates ✔️ (WILL Be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now