Chapter Four

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Blossom Pov.
I meet dexter, one of my old childhood friends "Dexter stop my stomach is hurting me you're making me laugh too much" I said

we said our good-bye, dexter was only here to visit me

he wasn't going to study here he's going to a different college and it's a good one like really  good better then this one but oh well

I open the door and went to the kitchen to drink water

Brick Pov.
I saw her in the kitchen, I thought she will come later with that loser nerd guy

Blossom Pov.
I was planning to go to the living room but brick is in the living room so I just started walking to my room.

Brick jumped in my way making me flinch and my eyes go wide

"I'm sorry blossom" he said

I'm shocked but then said "Brick, do you even know why your apologizing for?"

"Umm no, I'm just saying it cause I'm tired of everything that happened it's just bullshit to me"


Fucking dense idiot

I looked at him pissed off


|At this moment...Brick knew...he fucked up||

"I'm sorry okay?!"

"Ugh fine whatever at least you tried, I'll give up a A+ for effort I guess"

"Neat! I never got a A+ well maybe B's but Damn"

I rolled my eyes, he can be so childish sometimes.

To be continue

Hey guys hope you like it sorry for the cliff hanger but ill update soon don't worry i don't take long bye love ya

Blossom: stay soon

Brick: yeah bye guys (puts arm around blossom)

Dexter: why im i here again

Brick: yeah why is he here ( death glare at dexter)

Me: he's here as a guest thats all he's only in this chapter and the next one thats all then he gone for good i think

Dexter: oh ok WAIT WHAT?!?!?

me: don't worry your going to be some where else thats all

Brick: damn it i thought he be gone for GOOD

me: Don't be mean brick ok guys bye guys love ya 乂(〜^^)( btw they are not wearing bunny costume i just couldn't find the right picture and i love this picture)

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