Chapter Seven

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Buttercup Pov.
We played the game for a long time, surprisingly we had a lot of fun and the ruffs were actually fun to hang out with.

Soon blossom and brick left also bubbles and boomer, leaving me alone with butch.

Great, I hope you can tell I'm being sarcastic. I got something small to eat and looked at phone in my social media.

Butch left to go to his room probably listening to music or texting his girlfriend, who knows but I should maybe sleep early today..

Haha you thought, I'm not going to sleep early. Even if tomorrow is my first day in college, I'm going to stay awake for a few more minutes or maybe hours because tomorrow everything is going to be about homework, assignments and going to class in time.

I head to my room and lay down on my bed to relax. My arms were crossed behind my head and I started to look up at the ceiling.

Damn it feels like yesterday I was out in the city fighting crime with my sisters and beating up mojo jojo.

College..hmm I never really thought I'll get into college to be honest. I know I'm not the brightest in the group sometimes but I can sure help my sisters on anything they need because look at me?

I'm the baddest of them all

And will always be.


I'm bored now, I wanna do something but there's nothing to do.



He open my door, without even knocking on it. "Wanna order some pizza? Cause I'm mad hungry and if maybe you want something to eat too?"He asked

I looked at him...why is he acting like this?

"Umm sure I guess"


He closes the door of my room and starts calling to order the food.

It was a few minutes later that the food got here, we started to eat slice after slice after slice...




" well intentionally I payed for the pizza so I should have it"

"No you shouldn't, I should since you ate more"

"Well No, I payed I get it"

We stare at each other for 5 seconds till

He grabbed the slice pizza and started flying around the room "Catch me if you can!"

I flied after him, trying to get him. Damn he was fast but not fast enough

I grabbed him by his collar, my breathing was heavy I was out of breath.


I looked up at his face, huh? Did he just? What?!

"Huh?"  Was the only thing that could come out of my mouth.

"I mean Your fast"

"Well I am a powerpuff girl after all" I said, a smirk on my lips. He rolled his eyes and looked at me, I realized I was still holding onto his shirt and our faces was inches away.

His eyes are really pretty though, dark green They look nice.

I was lost in his eyes, I notice he started to look at me weirdly. That's when I snapped out of my thoughts and let go of his shirt "Umm you can have the slice of pizza I'm kinda full  and I'm tired too"

"Oh, okay then"

"Good night" I said before going into my room


||3:00Am in the morning ||

I can't fucking sleep

Oh my gosh

All I can hear is butch snore loudly

It's soo annoying

I can't deal with this shit

I'm losing it, and my eyes are burning the hell out of me.



I got out of my bed and open the door of my room heading my way to Butch's door. I knocked on his door, motherfucker didn't even answer the door he just kept snoring loudly.

I started to bang loudly on the door and nothing. I pushed my shoulder hard against the door, breaking the knob.

"BUTCH GET THE FUCK UP! " I yelled from anger and tiredness.

"Huh? Buttercup?" He got off his bed sleepy, looking like he's trying to let his vision get clear.

I could feel my cheeks heating up and sweat drip down my face. my mouth was slightly opened by the scene in front of me. He was standing up with only his boxers and no shirt on. His six packs showing. Show off.

"Buttercup, didn't your parents teach you to not stare at someone for so long" a sly smile of his annoying face.


Anger rushed up to my body. I was about to kill him. "But what is it?"

"I CAN'T SLEEP! You snore so loudly it's annoying as hell"

"Oh, so you been to hell?"

"Shut it"

"I mean I went to hell before, cause of my father HIM. It was fun but pretty much boring ya know?"  he said with a smirk

"Ugh whatever"

"Come on? Why be mad? And aren't you gonna give me my morning kiss?"

I turn around and see him smirking at me. I glare at him so hard

"Um nevermind"

I went to my room and closed the door shut, I need to get sleep I thought. I don't wanna be sleeping in the first day of college. I'll be in deep shit if I get caught sleeping in class.

I get into my bed and start getting comfy to sleep, I can already see myself being dead before this week even starts.

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