I need to tell you before it's to late

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||Chapter- I need to tell you before it's to late||

Author P.O.V
Blossom made the first move, she run fast speed and threw her sword at bell but bell just move making blossom body go a little ahead. Bell threw her sword at blossom making a cut on her back.

"Ahhhhh!" Blossom yelled from pain making her knees fall on the ground while shutting her eyes tightly, but soon blossom got right back up trying to ignore the pain that was going threw her body,

"Is that the best you can do"

Bell just smirk and hit her again with her sword it was so fast you couldn't even see it coming, once again blossom fell, bell walk slowly closer to blossom with a smirk pointing her sword out her but not very close

"I thought you will be a lot difficult but I guess not, well time to say goodby-" bell was cut off when blossom hit her legs with her sword making her body fall on the ground and grabbing her legs that were bleeding, blossom carefully got up groaning a little from pain.

"Don't think so full of your self.......You know, We don't have to go threw the same things our mothers went?"

Bell's eyes widened and looked away not wanting to make eye-contact

"I don't know what your talking about"

"Your mother, I heard things about her when my mother was still alive"

(A/N: The PPG don't have a Real mother Since they were made from sugar, spice and everything nice but they had A raise mother that she treat them as her own kids but lived a short time)

" Be quiet don't talk about my mother! Your mother killed her"

Blossom look at her confused not understand what she just said

"My mother didn't kill your mother, My mother told me that they became friends at the end but your mother was killed by someone"

"LIES! Lies ALL FILTHY LIES!" Bell said standing up without trying to fall

"That is not a lie, I'm telling the truth!"

Bell grab her sword tightly trying not to stab her right in the spot, something told her that she was telling the truth and not lying.

"Please bell believe me, You can stop this and we can work together, You're not alone"

Bell squeeze her eyes shut letting some tears fall, she was shaking while grabbing her sword with both hands, 'Stay calm bell, stay calm' she said in her head

"We can help you"

Bell couldn't take it anymore, that last sentence she said Drive her crazy in the heart and head making her move her sword towards Blossom's stomach.

Everyone stared at blossom with wide eyes, Blossom's eyes widened to. she slowly looked down to see the sword stab in her stomachs making blood go every where around her stomach and drip down her legs, bell slowly took out the sword her hair covering her eyes but you could see tears falling from her face and her teeth clenched.

Blossom fell on her knees blood still coming out while bell was just standing looking down at her.

"BLOSSOM!" Everyone yelled but the one that yelled louder was brick

He ran over to her grabbing her shoulders and pulling her up "You're going to be alright! I promise"


Blossom eyes began to close but brick shake her a little  to keep them open

"Stay with me Blossom! You can't leave me! You know how hard it was for me these past few weeks without you!" He yelled tears coming out

Bell slowly started walking away in the darkness but you could still see her

"Brick...*cough* I need to tell you before it's late...*cough*...
I-I'm ..Pregnant"

Brick's eyes widened he's body starting shaking intense

"B-But..Brick..I can't feel my stomach....I *cough* Can't feel our baby"

To be continue....

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