Chapter Five

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Blossom Pov

I was tired, I went to my room and layed down on my bed.

I feel too lazy to finish unpacking my stuff, I'll do it later maybe....

Oh Shit

When did I become buttercup? Man, all this crazy stuff in one day is making me wooshie

*Ring Ring Ring*

Ugh who could it be now?!

I grab my iPhone and asnwer it "what is it buttercup?"

"Uh huh"



"But I'm tired"

"Ugh okay fine"

"I'll be there soon"

"Yea yea I know bye"

I got up from my bed and grabbed my small rosy pink purse

I head out of my room to grab a apple then heading out to go to Buttercups Dorm.

"Yo! Where are you going?"

"I'm going to buttercups dorm, She said she wanted to do something, why do you care?"

"I dont! I was just curious...."

We looked at each other for about 5mintues





"....You wanna come?"


He got up and grab one of his jackets

I dont know why, its not like we're going outside.

//6 Minutes Later...//

Buttercup POV

"Where the hell is she? She's taking forever!"

"Maybe she's brushing her hair?"

"Shut up bubbles! I'm thinking of something"


"I GOT IT! She's brushing her hair maybe?"

Bubbles looked at me pissed off

"what? What did I say?" I said



I get out of my room and tell bubbles to stay

I walk over to the door seeing my sister blossom and....

A Ruff?


And brick? Hmm why brick?

"Blossom, why is he here?"

"He wanted to come plus he's being annoying"


They walked in and butch and brick started talking right away.

I was about to close the door but boomer stops me "Sup, I'm..."

"Why the hell are you here?!? Dont tell me bubbles invited you?"

"What the fuck?! Noo Eww, I'm just here because I have something to return to butch"

"Oh, okay you can come in"

I let him come in, talking to his brothers.

"Okay blossom, lets go to my room"

"Wait what are we doing again?"

"We're going to do something nobody has done in a long time"

Everybody stopped and looked at me

The guys asked what it was

I said "We're going to play...the most dangerous and evil and Scariest game ever in history!"

"What is it?" Blossom asked

"Truth and Dare!"

//Lighting and thunder starts happening once buttercup said those three words//

To be continue

Hope you like it i did my best the next one will be all the ppgz and the rrbz too I'll soon ok so don't panick btw i love this picture too all the blossick picture i find in the Internet i download it on my phone because they are soo Romantic and i also download short love comics to i have over 349 picture yeah im a little to crazy about them but when they make a tv show about the ppgzxrrbz I'll be waiting till the day COMES LOL not joking bye guys love ya❤❤

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