Chapter Two

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Bubbles Pov.

I was looking for my room, but it was hard when guys are in your way.

Soon I finally found my room, I opened the door. I found someone inside, he had the color of my hair and was wearing a dark blue shirt with black pants.

The man turned around and just as our eyes met, my mouth hanged a bit opened.

'No! It can't be!' I thought. 'Was it really him?' But how?!' I screamed inside my head.

"B-Boomer?" I say shook. I never thought in a million years I would see him again, better yet as my roommate at college.

I mean, um not as a rude why I just had a thought he wouldn't wanna go to a college since he doesn't seem like a person who would want too

I kinda liked boomer he was cute but that was when we were little kids and When we were enemies.

Also I  couldn't date a ruff, puff and ruff don't mix. He looked at me untill he said...

Boomer Pov.

I was watching Tv till someone opened the door, I didnt care who was at the door so I didn't bother to look, but then I heard my name being called


That voice...

It Sounds so familiar

It sounds sweet and soft

Eww two things I didn't like.

I turn around

I saw her.

The girl who defeated me always in the battlefield

The girl who everybody knows her as a sweetheart

The girl that I ........

hate with all my guts...

it was quiet till I broke the silence

"Oh hey, your room is the one in the left. Don't even bother talking to me or looking at me" I said while pointing the room

I could tell she was upset by her sudden face expression but I just ignore it she went to her room and I went to the kitchen to make popcorn for me to eat. I grab my bowl of popcorn and was walking to the couch but then I bumped into her. How come I didn't see her?

"Watch where you're going!" I yelled at her

She looked at me, when our eyes meet...

My eyes widened, my mouth hanged open, I was lost in words when I saw her eyes...

They we're bluer then the ocean and sparkly...Damn.

Bubbles Pov

He started to stare at me for a long time. It felt uncomfortable.

Is he going to look away or no? Cause it feels awkward.

I broke the eye-contact and pass by him saying sorry.

I walked to the kitchen, and just got a water bottle and headed back to my room to unpack.

Hi guys i hope you like it i did my best to make it good and long ok plz vote and be free to write a comment ok bye guys love you

Angel:who the hell ate my pizza

Butch: i don't know what you're talking about (o-o)

Angel: im going to kill you (grabs everything heavy)


Buttercup: plz kill him and WHAT!!!??!??! There is no way im getting all lovey with him

Butch: sure, i bet you're going to tell me i love you pretty soon

Buttercup: No i won't !

Butch: lets see about that

Angel: well..... Bye till soon !!!!!

College Roommates ✔️ (WILL Be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now