The Last

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|| I don't know anymore..Let's do this~Angelwithfeelings||


Author POV:

Tears fell down her face as she kept begging and begging for him to still be with her. "I would gave up everything for you" she said as her last tear came out. The tear hit his forehead gently, the drop moving done on his face then leaving it marks making his face golden?

She blinked her eyes and wipe her tears away, noticing the marks/lines on his face. His body started glowing and her necklace started shaking making her confused and scared, the heart of the necklace came off her neck and went to his, breaking apart to little pieces and going on him. A glowing heart was being shown on his chest..his glowing heart.

You could see it was beating again, he fell on the ground and she grabbed his head gently, repeating his name if he was still there, as she kept repeating his name, his eyes started moving at bit and making him blink. At first everything was blurry and he couldn't see anything but then he was seeing pink shining bright eyes and dry tears on it. He opened his eyes fully and gave her a smile "s-sup..babe" she smiled right back at him remembering the first time he said that when they were only five years old.

"Hey Brick"

She hugged him tight not wanting to let go of her, he put a arm around her waist and smiled her strawberry scent that he missed. Some of his body parts still hurt him but not his chest where he got the knife got threw it, "I didn't wanna lose you" she whispered sobbing, he pulled away from her and made her look at him, he leaned his forehead against hers "don't worry, you'll never lose me" he told her, giving her a quick kiss on her lips making her blush and smile at him. They both got up, his arm around her shoulder from him falling on the ground, he was still having trouble getting up and walking.

"Ouch, a little slow" he said, one eye shut from pain. "Sorry" she whispered.

As they both looked around them, they saw broken buildings and houses, the air was with black smoke and the sky looked still red. Their siblings were on the ground along with their friends, Blossom then saw Bell under a broken piece of a building "Look, Brick." She whispered in his ear making him look at what she was looking. "Is t-that B-bell?" He said shocked that she was still here. He didn't like talking about her, First because they were partners in crime and second because they used to date. Blossom looked down at her pissed off of the fact of her and her father starting all this war between her and her sisters also Boyfriend.

"What should we do with her?" He said in pain still. "I don't know, but.." She whispered in his ear and he then had a smirk on his face. He kissed her cheek and they both went over to her way, giving her a smile that said

'You're dead meat'


~15 Years Later~

"MOMMY! AUNT BUTTERCUP AND UNCLE BUTCH ARE COMING OVER! CAN ME AND MY COUSINS GO OUT FOR ICE CREAM!" A little redhead boy with pink eyes like his mother and face features like his father yelled out running to his mother that was in the kitchen, begging for her to say yes.

She giggle and smile at him looking down at him, while she was washing the dishes "I'm kinda busy washing the dishes sweetie but ask your father, Maybe he can"

"Okay mama" the little boy said, running off to his father office down the halls of his house. He knocked on the door getting a "Who is it?!" Yell, "It's me daddy!" The little boy yelled out for him to hear threw the thick wooden door. "Come in" He answered back. The little boy open the golden door knob seeing his father on a black chair, with papers in his hands and a pencil behind his ear. "What's wrong?" He asked the little boy in front of him. "Can you please take me and my cousins to get ice cream when they get here! Please!" He begged.

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