Chapter Three

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Buttercup Pov.
I was looking for my room number soon I saw it, I open it up and I heard a voice

"hey Butterfly"

My eyes widened

Oh fuck!

The door closed I turn around and saw him lean on the door

"Don't call me that and what are you doing here butchy-boy?" I teased him then he came close to me with serious face, I haven't seen that face since we were little.

He whisper in my ear "I'm staying here its my room baby" I could feel his hot breath, gross.

"Is that supposed to make me blush?" I said annoyed

He looked shocked

I guess his playboy tricks didn't work on me

"let me just tell you this butch, I'm not like those other girls who fall for a boy head over heels that fast especially you! I'm different so don't even try me" I said laying down on the couch

"Ugh whatever" he said looking away starting to walk to his room.

Butch POV

I walked away, my eyes flash with a sparkle...

Hehe, this is gonna be fun

I'm always in for a challenge....

Angelwithfeelings- Ehh I'm trying here ya know?! It's kinda hard for me cause I'm starting the book all over

Hey guys hope you like it I'll update soon ok next will be blossomxbrick yay!

Brick: why are you always happy when its blossom and me

Angel: because I'm a blossick fan FYI

Blossom: hey I'm back look I found the kind of shorts and blouse I wanted, do you guys like it

Angel:I like it, what about you brick do you like it? (smirkS)

Brick: I look nice

Angel: (facepalm)

Blossom: Thanks..I guess

Angel: well bye guys till soon love ya plz vote byyyeeee !!!!!()/

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