Chapter Nineteen

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Author POV:

It was the next day. The sun was shining bright and the nice cold wind came threw the window.

Buttercup was snoring till her Alarm went on.


"AHHH" yelled the Raven hair girl.

Buttercup sat up on her bed and turn her face to see the alarm time. "Oh shit" she cursed. She got out of her bed to  hurry up getting dress to to go for her classes.  she had on Black skinny jeans on and a normal green shirt on with her black Converse.

She grabbed her bag and opened her room, going to the kitchen to get an apple.

"Good morning Baby" Butch said rubbing his eyes.

"Don't call me that" she said.

"Fine, Butterbabe"

Buttercup gave him a look saying "No" not wanting him to say that nickname. She then realized he wasn't changed at all, he was wearing green shorts and was shirtless, and his hair messy as hell.

"Why aren't you change?" She asked him.

"Because it's a Sunday?" He said.

"No it isn't. It's a Monday." She said taking out her phone to show him the date. His eyes widen as he let out a curse world escape his lips. He zoom to his room and in 2 minuets he was out. "Finish" He said. Buttercup let out a chuckle.

"Your hair" She said. Butch looked up at his feeling it was everything and messy. "Shi-" he stopped when he felt soft small hands and a comb on his hair. "Stay still. I'm trying to fix your hair" she said. His lips turn into a smile.

When she was done with his hair, he looked in the mirror seeing his hair looking great as ever. "Damn, it looks amazing" he said. "Thanks baby" he said, giving her a kiss.

She smiled at him and kissed him back. Ever since that day they kissed when he trip over her and their lips touch. They become a couple but their siblings didn't know about it. They felt like it was too soon to tell them and they might put pressure and stress into them especially her sisters on Buttercup.

"I'm going to go for my classes" Butch said. Letting go of her making her feel a bit sad. She gave him a weak smile not feeling his warmth on her. "O-okay" she mutter which made her curse underneath her breath. "I'll see you later when class is over" he told her as he gave her a quick kiss and left their dorm.

She stood there still, thinking 'Damn, I really did fall for that Idiot' she said. She grabbed her bag of notebook and junks that was in the couch and started walking to door.

But then she stopped walking, her head in so pain. " head" she said as she stopped in her track. She put one of her hands on her head as she felt the pain. "Ouch" . As the pain was getting stronger she dropped her bag of stuff on the ground and her hands on her head, "it hurts" she said as she could feel small tears in the side of her eyes.

A minute later, she was on the ground.

//Class Over//

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