Chapter Thirteen

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Brick POV:

I didn't know exactly what song to sing. So I just ask the guy who puts on the Music if he maybe had any idea what song I should sing.

He looked at me, thinking of what song I should.

It felt kinda awkward of him staring at me.

He whispered in my ear and told me the song I should sing. But I didn't know any of the lyrics to it, but I think he later on notice when he saw me standing frozen and pointed up the screen for me to see the lyrics.

When I started singing, at first I didn't really feel comfortable. But slowly I started singing a bit more loud and people started going crazy.

I could see my brothers Shock and mouth wide open, they never seen me sing. Which made me let out a small laugh.

Bubbles and Buttercup started cheering loudly while Blossom had her hand on her arm, looking away her cheeks pink.

My heart started beating fast and I could feel my face burning me up.

The way my heart was beating now wasn't normal


Not this again, I rolled my eyes and continued singing.

Author POV:

Blossom got up and started walking away to the bathroom, the lyrics he sang made her thoughts go crazy because he kept looking at her the whole time and didn't know if he was talking about her or somebody else .

Brick saw her walking away, and her confused face she had on.

He saw her go to the ladies bathroom. He wanted to go after her so badly but he didn't have the guts too so he just continued singing, making girls go crazy over him.

To Be Continue....

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