The Magic will change me

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A/N: The last chapter I wrote people were asking for updates and when I did that Note "I need your help" Like people who I didn't know were commenting and Voting....

And I'm like..... 'who the hell are these people!' I never seen this people before they never voted on my story or commented

Oh I know (😏-That's my face) They are the people that read my books but don't vote on it

Yeah..I see you ⊙▽⊙ reading my book and thinking 'Oh sh*t...she found out!'

Well......  I think ur a Meanie.  ╥﹏╥   (>_<)


Oh I see maybe that's it! Well I'm sorry it isn't good enough

( I really am, I wanted to delete this book like months ago already(-_-) )

I really feel bored....being in a hospital bed...doing nothing "o(╥﹏╥)o"

Well the doctors said I should 'rest' but

IM WRITING MY STORIES! φ(._.)    [👈🏼 that's me writing]

So lets begin.... I hope nobody sees me or I'm. SCREWED

*looks around if there are nurses close by*. (゚ー゚;) YASSS!!! it's my time to Type or Write? Well I don't know (」゚ペ)」

(Btw- that is Blossom changing because of the necklace I draw that picture so nobody can copy my DRAWING)

comment what you think about it! Please?

Let's start the BOOK...


Author P.O.V

Everyone started going around Blossom. Her sisters, the punks and Ruffs. Blossom only had a short time to live since she was losing a lot of blood, while everyone was worrying about blossom. Bell was no where to be seen.

"Blossom please don't leave us" berserk said beside Blossom on the ground while brick was on the other side of her.

"This isn't good at all, Blossom is our leader without her were nothing"

"Don't *cough* say that" Blossom said with pain in her stomach

Brick felt rage seeing Blossom on the ground bleeding to death while Bell just getting away that easily. Blossom shouldn't have kept her Guard down.

Brick was shook at first when he found out she was pregnant but was happy that the child she was having was His but Now he doesn't even know if there is a child.

A/N: Is the Child dead or Alive? Comment here and if which ever had the most comments on the child on if it "Die" or "live" then I'll make a 'Chapter' revealing it

Brick got up from the ground, Not daring to want to look at anyone, his eyes covered by his hair. He started making a Fire Ball in his hand.


Before Anyone could say anything, Brick flew up in the sky and started throwing fire out of his hand where the smoke was and where bell disappear, trying to find her.

College Roommates ✔️ (WILL Be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now