Chapter Twenty

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Author POV:

The Superheroes were making their way to the hospital but since nobody had a car Blossom called her Bestfriend, Dexter.

As the Ruffs and Puffs were sitting in the car comfortable just waiting to get there. Music was playing in the car. "Thanks Dexter for doing this" Blossom said.

"Don't mention it, I'm always happy to help out my Bestfriend" he said as he smiled.

"So.. where's your girlfriend?" Blossom asked since She hasn't seen her a lot lately.

"Oh.. we broke up, She left to go to another country because of her Family. I understood even though I was going to miss her.. but things happen for reasons right?" Dexter said

"Yeah that's right" Blossom answered.

When they finally got to the hospital, Blossom said goodbye to Dexter and thanking him again while Brick was next to her holding her hand tight the whole time till he left.

When they got inside, They all went to the emergency place instead of the regular. When the Doctors saw it was them, the three superhero's of Townsville they assisted them right away.

"They are with us" Blossom told them as she pointed to The Ruffs.

The Doctor's told them to wait in the waiting room until they're done seeing and finding out why she's not waking up. The Ruff's and The two Puff sisters headed their way to the Waiting room. They sat down for hours until..

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

"Sorry, excuse me" Boomer Said. Getting up from his seat to go somewhere private. Bubbles watched him as he kept walking away till he was gone.

"Bubbles.." Blossom whispered in her ear.


"When are you going to tell him?"

"H-huh? Tell who what?"

"Boomer. That you like him."

Bubbles looked away, her cheeks covered with a pink blush. "Never, because he doesn't feel the same" she responded back her sister.

"You never kno-"

"Yes I do. He's dating that waitress girl from that Karaoke night, remember?"

"Oh yeah.. but they probably broke up. Just go up to him and talk"

Bubbles look down at her lap as she kept playing with her fingers.


Bubbles let out a heavy sigh "okay, fine" she said as she got up from her seat. Bubbles walked her way down the halls of the hospital trying to look for him. When she finally found him. He was on the phone cursing loudly.

"Why can't you fucking listen?! Can't you stop with the Bullshit for once. You can nev-.. Hello? Hello? What the fuck?" He cursed as he saw he got hanged up.

"Ugh!" He said frustrated. He was about to throw away his phone far away until he heard a calm gently voice. "Boomer?"

"Huh?" Boomer turn around to face the Blonde pigtails Powerpuff girl. Her hair kept flowing as the wind kept going. Boomer cleared his throat.

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