Chapter Twenty-Four

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she woke up - chapter 26


Butch POV:

"Butch?" Mm, I know that voice.

"Butch?" It's so beautiful yet feisty.

"Butch!!" They sound mad, I should wake up.

"Butch?!" Wait it might just be a dream.

"Butch!!" wait- it sounds like Buttercup.


"Ouch! what the hell!?" I yelled. "Finally you woke up Butch" I look at the direction from the voice and saw a figure in front of me, she had her hands on her hips and a smirk plastered on her face "Buttercup? BUTTERCUP!" I got up from the chair and hugged her.

I'm guessing she was shocked and surprise because it took a few seconds for her to hug back. She pulled me away and began to look right at my dark green eyes.  "yeah it's me, how long have I been out?" she asked

"Two months" I simply said. Her eye's widened and she looked around the room, "Where are the others?" She asked, looking worried. I scratch the back of my neck and try to think of a way to tell her. "They broke up and decided to not live in the same dorm, they are still going to the same college but they are not living with my brothers anymore and are staying at a friends house."

Buttercup POV:

"What caused them to separate?" I asked, my body was still hurting a little mostly my head but I could  hold it in, I had worse pains before from my past fights with villains.  "There was a huge argument when you were rushed to the hospital, I wasn't paying much attention but hurtful words were thrown and.. they decided it's best to split up." He explained to me.

I kept my eyes locked onto his. I don't understand, how come nothing has happen yet? Shouldn't there be something happening downtown about now?, without thinking I flew out of the hospital and looked down at the town to see if maybe I could find my sisters. Butch said they were at a friends house so they  might be at the Punks or Robin.

Author POV:

Buttercup first went to the Punks house and ask if perhaps they seen her sisters, but they only told her that they haven't seen her sisters at all. Buttercup tried to go to Robin's house but she hasn't been at her house for so long she forgot where she even lived.

So the only thing she could do was call one of her Childhood Best friend, Mitch, she dialed his phone number down and waited till he picked up. Buttercup was yelling at Mitch and Mitch was yelling right back at her "Mitch, just answer the damn question where the hell does Robin live?!"

"How the hell should I know, I'm not friends with that Nerd"

"MITCH! don't say that  I see you looking at her and daydreaming in class, oh and I saw you one time in the halls with her being flirty"

"You were eavesdropping!"

"No, I was going to my next class and you were in the hall while I was passing by"

"Fine! just meet me at the park, I'm heading over at her place anyways" Mitch said annoyed

"thanks mitch your the best"


Buttercup and Mitch were laughing on the phone. Buttercup said "Bye" and  hanged up. She turn around to go down at the ground to the park but was stopped when she saw Butch in front of her floating in the air with a angry face "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME WHERE YOU WERE GOING! I WAS LOOKING FOR YOU ALL OVER TOWN"

"calm down dad  I was just trying to find my sisters and it's not that hard to find a lime green light in the sky. But right now We need to go to the park I  have to meet Mitch there"

To Be Continue...

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