Chapter Fourteen

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Butch POV:

I got up on the stage, it was my turn now. I started thinking of what song I should sing too ...

Finally, I knew what I was going to sing, I smirked and yelled out "This song is dedicated to my Girlfriend Buttercup" I said grinning

Everybody gasped and 'Oooo'

I could See Buttercup's face turn red and a glare shot at me

Buttercup POV:

I Could feel my face heat up, I glared at him, fucking asshole. Like I'll ever be his girlfriend, in his dreams.

||3 Minutes later||

Butch POV:

I got off the stage, people clapping and I head my way to buttercup, smirking at her while she just gave me an angry look, people kept staring when I kept walking to her. They all 'Oooo'

I grabbed her body and put my arms around her waist, I could see her pouting.

'Bump Bump Bump'

Fuck my heart, I thought.

Everybody 'Awww' as they saw me putting my arm around her, she gave me a pissed off face and looked away not wanting to look at me, but I could tell she was red.

Buttercup POV:

I'm only being like this so people won't think I'm a cruel person who would hurt a guy who just sing a song for her.

Hmp ...

Why does he always gotta do this to me? Why can't he flirt with some other girl? I thought.

But...the thought of him flirting and holding another girl close .. makes me mad, feeling something else that I couldn't explain.

I feel like an idiot doing this but here goes nothing....

Butch POV/

I was smiling and waving at the girls, my arm still around buttercup. She was looking away so she didn't know I was smiling at some other girls.

As I was about to let go of her, I felt something on my cheek...

It was soft

And gentle

She kissed my cheek....

Why? I turn to look at her, my face with a tint color of a pink blush.

My mouth was a little wide open, I couldn't say anything. I saw her biting her lower lip like she was already regretting what she just did.

I looked at her, my face getting redder and my heart beating faster.

I grabbed her arm and pull her into a tight hug...I whispered in her ear

"You're mine now"

To Be Continued

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