Saying Good-Bye Forever?

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Saying Good-Bye Forever?


previously on "Roommates and Buddies"...

Blossom:"Nope, don't believe you"

Bubbles:"Are you feeling alright, I can get you some tea?"

After that, the ground started shaking and moving the puffs and butch fell on the ground, everything around them started breaking or falling on the ground making very loud noises.

Bubbles: Woahh! what's happening?

Butch: Buttercup grab my hand tight!

Buttercup: This is what I been telling you guys!

Buttercup got up from the ground still holding on butch's hand, blossom try to walk her self over to the window, she looked outside her eye's widened the sky was red and the air was black from smoke, people were screaming for their lives.

Blossom: Okay Buttercup I believe you

Buttercup: Good, what's your plane leader?

......We have to go see dad.........The Professor...


Author P.O.V

we have to go see dad.......The Professor said blossom looking both at her sister's, they both nodded their heads on agreeing "I'm going to get my brothers" said butch before letting go of Buttercup's hand and zooming out of the house "WAIT-you don't need to do that!!" yelled blossom but was already to late, blossom face started to go pale also was bubbles they knew who was coming and they didn't want to see Them.

"Professor!" yelled the 3 girls breaking in the room making the professor jump, "AH, girls what a surprise, why did you decide to visit? what's new? "the professor begin asking questions with a smile "I don't know we were just bored and wanted to chill with you ,while their is a villain outside killing million of people oh and we're good, How about you?" buttercup ask sarcastic "That's enough buttercup" blossom said giving her a glare "We actually came because we need your help on how to defeat a villain Wait- How do you not hear the chaos outside?" Blossom ask with a confused face "Oh, well down here in the lab you can't actually hear anything from outside from the walls and what is this villain name you guys are trying to defeat?" the professor answered and ask "It's bell, we found out she is the daughter of HIM because when Buttercup was in the coma she said a person told her and was warning her" bubbles answered

"Hey Guys, where are you?!!?" yelled a familiar voice from another room

"WE'RE DOWN HERE BUTCH!" yelled buttercup

Butch open the door and enter the room with his brothers behind him "Found you!" butch yelled running to buttercup "Great job Sherlock" buttercup answered annoyed. It was pretty silent in the lab, Blossom would look away the other direction avoiding eye contact with brick while brick was looking at her to time to time, the same was happening with the blues. "well, umm professor what do we do on defeating Bell?" blossom ask breaking the silence, Brick's eye's widen on hearing that name he started turning nervouse but no one was paying attention to him "well from the past fight you had with her in your childhood, I suggest you try to hit her mostly in the stomach because that's her weakess spot remember?"

"Oh, yeah I rememeber but what happen's if it doesn't work?" Blossom ask concerned

"Then you'll have to use the "Thing" we talked about" the professor said giving her the eye to the secret conversation they had

Blossom eye's widened of horror remembering the conversation they had on that "Thing"

"Wait..what thing?"ask Bubbles very confussed

"yeah, what the hell are you talking about?" Buttercup ask

"LANGUAGE!" the professor yelled then sigh and try to talk to them calmly "Since blossom is the leader I gave her a neaklace that let's her powers become more powerful but her body and looks will change"

"But, Professor you said it's a 50% chance I might not go back turning my self again and might die" blossom said putting her hands on the red heart shape neaklace "Blossom, you're the leader of the PowerPuff Girls it's the scarfice you'll have to do, it's the responsibly you have to take But you only have one shot on doing this remember to use it on the right time" The professor said giving her a serious look

Blossom nodded sadly "We have to go girls, but first..." Blossom turn her head to her father and hugged him tightly "Thank you for everything, this might be the last time I get a hug from you" blossom said while her voice started cracking up and tears rolled down her cheeks, her father smiled and hugged her back.

"Don't cry blossom, crying makes things worse you have to be strong and face things"

"Yeah, you're right dad" Blossom said letting go of the hug and looking at her father in the eye, trying her best to stop crying.

"That's my girl" he said smiling and wiping away her tears "You should be going now, Good luck sweetheart" the professor said giving all her daugthers a hug while the boys stay there looking at them

"Alright Girls, Lets GO!" blossom said putting her fist in the air and zooming out the room followed by a lime green, dark green lights also a baby blue and naivy blue light lastly followed by a bright red light, as they were flying out the professor watched them and whispered.....

"Go get them girls"

To Be Continue...

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