Chapter Sixteen

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Author POV:

"YOU WHAT?!" Berserk yelled out in the bathroom from shock and anger

As she was about to say something else. A girl walked in the bathroom seeing Berserk really pissed off.

"Um I'm just going to go? And leave? Sinc-" she didn't finish her sentence, she just closed the door and left of running from the state she got from Berserk.

"I'm sorry Berserk! I know he's your Ex but-"

"Oh hell no! I'm not mad because of that! I'm mad because I can't believe you let a fuckboy do that to you and try to take advantage!" Berserk yelled.

Berserk cared about Blossom like a little sister. So she knew how Brick would act towards a girl especially when he isn't dating the girl.

"I just don't know what got to me, okay? It all went by fast and it felt blurry but in the same time.. I could see everything clear" Blossick explain to her.

Berserk gave her a confused face not understanding a shit she just said. "I'm just watching out for you Blossom. I don't want to see you get hurt. I care too much for you, you should've called me." Berserk said feeling a bit hurt.

"I know I know. I won't do it again. But... I don't know Berserk...I felt like something happened between me and him, something different."

Berserk looked at her, her index finger on her chin thinking.

"To be honest Blossom, I don't know what to tell ya" Berserk said as she shrugged her shoulders.

Blossom let her head drop and felt confused about her feelings but also felt sadness.

"Hey! Don't be sad! Be happy, Don't let that boy get to you. You gotta show him your strong and he ain't nothing but a pile of trash" Berserk said trying to cheer her up.

Blossom giggled

"Plus you're too beautiful to cry for a guy like him, maybe there's somebody else out there for you. Okay? Believe me."

Blossom nodded her head and lips turn into a bright smile.

//The Doors Open //

Blossom and Berserk  turn around seeing Bubbles standing in front of them with a bright smile and cheerful smile.

"Oh my gosh! Berserk!" Bubbles squealed happily

Bubbles ran up to Berserk and hugged her tightly. "Bubbles! I'm glad to see you too" Berserk said chuckling.

As the girls stayed in the bathroom for a little while, talking and catching up. The boys and Buttercup were out there talking about random junk.


Buttercup POV:

As a heard those words come out of his mouth, I could feel my heart beat rapidly. My face heating up.

Shit, what have I done.

I escaped from Butch arms and chuckle nervously. Seeing his face confused.

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