Please..Don't leave me alone

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Okay, so..I counted the votes of how many people wanted me to Delete or continue the story/Book and as you can see, People mostly want me to continue.

130-Votes of telling me to Continue and don't delete the Book

2-Votes of telling me I should Delete the Book


8-Votes telling me I should Decide on my own.


Previously on..

Roommates And Buddies?

"Why don't you work for me? You could rule the world with me" said H.I.M to Blossom

"No thank you, I work alone" Blossom said turning around and kicking H.I.M in the stomach making him fly off to somewhere

"Now that he's gone, time to kill you!" Blossom pointed at bell which made her get nervous and scared for the first time in a long time.

Blossom landing on the ground and started walking towards to Bell making her shoes click every step she took. She ignored the people around her by freezing them so they won't run towards her

"Please don't do this" Bell pleaded

"Don't worry it will just hurt for a bit, I promise~"


"Don't worry it will just hurt for a bit, I promise~"

Bell eyes widened as Blossom was going to finish her off, then Blossom soon stopped when she saw a sword on the ground.

Flash backs started coming back.

"What the hell" she said confused but angry.

She shook her head and turn to the sword getting an idea in her head. She smirked and walked over the sword, making Bell repeat repeatedly "No no no no" she kept saying while tears started coming down her face.

Blossom picked up the sword, seeing there was a bit of blood on it.

She turn to Bell and licked the blood off the sword "hmm, weird. I thought it would be sweet" Blossom said before then laughing evilly. "Can't wait to see your blood on this beauty" she said mentioning it about the sword.

"JUST FINISH ME OFF ALREADY!" She yelled out, tears couldn't stop running down her face.

"Awe, are you crying? Don't cry my darling. I heard the afterlife is a pretty interesting place" Blossom said bending down to Bell who was on the ground crushed by a building.

Blossom stood up, and started thinking what she could do after killing her body. Fire? No too cliché, Torn her body to pieces? Naw, What about shooting arrows at her? That are on fire?

Blossom smirked and smiled at her evilly, happy of knowing what she's going to do with her dead body later on.

She grabbed the sword and said two words before she's going to stab her "Bye Bye"

Bell closed her eyes waiting for the pain to come and to take her last breath of living..but

Nothing came?

College Roommates ✔️ (WILL Be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now