The girl and The boy in the mirror?

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Author POV:

Meanwhile the ruffs were trying to win the puffs heart back, butch was in the hospital for 2 hours looking at buttercup in a deep thought thinking it might be his fault she was in a coma

Buttercup POV:

I been standing in this black room for awhile now and I'm getting really bored. My mind was running with thought on how I ended up here.

The last thing I remember was Butch said goodbye to me before him going to his classes and I grabbed my bag then.. BAM

Everything goes black for me. But I shouldn't be thinking about that though, I should be thinking why the hell is there a mirror in front of me with a girl that looks younger then me? Like The fuck.

"So are you tell me your name?" I ask the girl in the mirror in front of me.

"I'm sorry but I can't do that it might affect me and you later"

I look at her like What-the-hell-are-you-talking-about-Face.

" I just can't tell you okay' she said, I just nodded my head, I wasn't going to beg her to tell me.

"So how long am I going to be here?" I ask with my arms crossed on my chest "Not long to be honest, but why? you want to leave?" She asked. I look at her for a few seconds

"Well Duhh" I said throwing my hands in the air.

"If you leave, you'll never see me again" she said turning around, she sigh and then looked back at me.

"Before you leave though I just need to warn you about something" I raised up my left eyebrow and tap my foot.  "Umm What makes you think I would believe you?"

"like I said I'm someone important and I was the cause of your pass out, *Whispers something* this was the only way to get to you and warned you before it Begins"

I stare at her for a while.  should I even believe her? I don't even know this girl, she could be a lunatic for all I know. but she does kinda look like me for some reason hmm..

"Fine" I said

"Thank you, Okay so what I'm going to tell you now is going to happen later on when you wake up from this *clears throat* umm coma-"

"wait.. What!?" I said almost screaming

"Let Me Finish! FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!" she yelled out then mumbled something but then stop and continue talking normally

"So you remember HIM right?'

"Yeah, I have known him since I was 5"

"Well he's coming back with someone new ... his daughter"

"Who could be this daughter of his?" I asked

"Her name is Bell "

I froze for a bit, and my eyes widen. I remember was once in a fight with her with my sisters. She was powerful but not that powerful, if you know what I mean.

I didn't know that freak's father was HIM, No wonder she's so crazy she must have got it from her father.

"Yeah I heard of her, but so what! me and my sisters beat her ass before" I said proudly

"Well her father gave her some stronger powers and she has been trained. she's coming back to destroy you guys for what you guys did to her in the past" she said explaining to me

"How do you even know all these things?"

" I can't tell you that, but you just got to believe me ... YOU KNOW THIS WOULD BE MORE EASIER IF YOU HELP ME!" she yelled turning her head to look behind her.

I couldn't see anything, but soon a boy that had black hair and was wearing a light/ dark green clothes . His eyes were light green more like a lime green color.  "You know sis you don't have to yell so loud" The boy said.

I'm guessing their siblings.

The boy looked at me closely which made me feel uncomfortable. "Wow! mom looks so young"

Mom? What is he talking about? I thought.

The girl cover his mouth and looked nervous, giving me a weird smile.

"You idiot Shut up! I knew I shouldn't have ask for help" she said, the boy had a goofy face on but then change to a smirk "You know if mom and dad knew you were doing this they would be mad"

"They GAVE ME PERMISSION!' she yelled out again

I cleared my throat to interrupt them . "soo..." everything was silent we stare at each other, then the girl open her mouth to talk again but the mirror was glitching "Oh no, the time is up" she said

"What's happening?"

"We have to go but everything I told you please be aware of and please believe me"

I nodded my head "Is this really going to be  the last time were going to see each other?" I asked her.

"Don't worry were going to see each other but it might be a long time until we meet again"

"BYE MOM!" The Boy yelled out, I look at him confused.  "YOU IDIOT I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP! sometimes I think if we're really siblings" The girl said, sweat dripping down her forehead.

To Be Continue

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