Chapter Twelve

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Bubbles P.O.V

I got on stage and started to sing my palms a little sweaty

Taylor swift :love story (btw im too tired to write all the words sorry)

(4mintues later)

As I stopped singing I got of the stage people cheering and guys coming up to be giving me their phone number, they seem really sweet ∩_∩

Author P.O.V

Boomer stared at her, guys going up to her to talk or giving her number and her laughing and giggling, he couldn't help by getting jealous but he didn't show it. He kept looking at her that soon bubbles felt like somebody staring at her and turn around seeing boomer looking at her.

Her cheeks got pink, his eyes were wide open when she caught him staring at her. She smiled at him and waved at him, his face got red and he looked away fast.

He felt his heart beating fast and sweat drip down his face, shit he was nervous but why?

Maybe its because of bubbles smile or her beautiful voice that made him nervous now.

"Hey boomer" butch said looking at him

"Yea what?"

"Are you going to sing or no?" He ask him

Boomer looked away and didn't smile "No, I don't feel like singing tonight"

Butch looked him, something was off about him. "Okay fine"

Bubbles soon came back and sat down, "Look what I got buttercup!" She said excited

"What is it bubbles?" Asked looking at the papers in her head

"I got some phone numbers by some guys, they seem so sweet. Maybe I should text them" she said smiling bright

Buttercup rolled her eyes, bubbles couldn't take the hint when a guy flirts or when the guys want 'something'

"Brick, you going to sing right?" Buttercup asked him, brick snapped out of his thoughts, still him thinking about what blossom said to him.

"Um yea yea sure" he said not knowing what he agreed on

The lady then came and gave them their food

"Two hamburgers for the red head and the cute guy wearing blue, for the three ladies you have three cheese burgers and for the guy with green a big size of pizza and ice cream sundae and a plate full of onion rings and three cheese burgers and one burrito for the guy" the lady said

Everybody looked at him

"What? I'm hungry"  he said grabbing one pizza and start eating it.

"Hey, umm..are you single" the lady said to boomer

"Yea" he answered "why?" He asked

The lady was pretty, she had brown hair and blue bright eyes, and red plump lips, she had a great figure and was wearing a cute blue skirt and a white top.

"Im asking cause you seem really cute and maybe if you want to go ou-"

"Um can you get me ice on my drink, Cause I asked for ice" bubbles said interrupting their conversation.

She smiled at the lady but you could tell the smile was fake. The lady rolled her eyes and grabbed the cup leaving.

Boomer stared at her "what the..?" He thought, did she get mad or something he said threw his head.

Bubbles continued eating her food like nothing happened.

To Be Continued

College Roommates ✔️ (WILL Be Edited)Where stories live. Discover now