Chapter Eight

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Bubbles Pov:
Well today is my first day in college well class I guess.

I take a shower and brush my hair putting it up in two pigtails.

I put on jeans and a blue blouse and white flats

'Perfect" I said looking at my self in my reflection.


I go to the kitchen and grab something quick to eat. I eat a bagel and leave.

'Did boomer already leave? Or is he still here?'

I thought

Wait...why do I care?

But if he is, I should wake him up. I wouldnt want him to be getting late.

I knocked on his door and he didnt respond


I slowly open the door "boomer?"

I saw nobody till

"What the fuck are you doing inside here?" He said closing his door

It looked like he just came out of the shower cause of his hair wet but he was wearing jeans and blue Nike's also a plane blue T-shirt.

"I-I Umm"

"Uh huh yea?"

"Well I was-"

"Spill it bubbles"

"I was just making sure if maybe you were up cause I didnt want you to be late"


"Umm yeaa "

"Well next time dont come in my room"

"Ok "

"And dont say that kind of shit to me, please you must be joking"


"Shut up and leave, I got my own things to worry about, just go for class"

"I shouldnt be caring for someone like you"

Boomer Pov:

I froze

Did she care about me?


No one has

My brothers were just....



Ugh I dont even know

But her? My counterpart caring about me? I dont know how she's my counterpart, we're so different.

She's the sweetheart and Nice's and kindest person in Townsville.

While I'm the opposite of her.

Well I shouldn't worry, or think about her. Why would I?

I get out of my dorm and start going to my first class...great.

Annoying teachers, boring classes and Suure dont homework assignments.

//Hours later...Classes are all over//

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