Chapter Seventeen

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Blossom Pov.

Me and my sisters were getting ready for the sleepover which was at bubbles place, bubbles room was actually really pretty. I love her pillows and her work table.

I got out of bubbles room and went to the living room where my sisters were. Bubbles choosing a movie to watch and Buttercup making the snacks...also eating the snacks


She looked up and I saw her mouth full of popcorn.


That must be them, I head over to the door and open the door slowly until Brute slam the door and yelled out


Oh my gosh, my nose ┭┮﹏┭┮


I think I'm bleeding...

I need a ice pack

I move the door while covering my nose with my right hand and try to walk over to the kitchen until...

"HEY BLOSSOM! ..hey? What happen to your nose? Did you hit it?"

I glare at brute, How dense can she

"Here you go blossom" said bubbles giving me a ice pack

"Sooo...what are we gonna do?" Asked berserk

Author POV:

"We're going to watch movies and play games and eating some food" said bubbles

"BORRING" said brute

"Let's go out and have some fun!" Said brute

"YES! NOW WE TALKING!" Yelled Buttercup highfiving brute

"Hmm I don't know" blossom said

"Come on blossom, this is a perfect chance to get those 'things' of your mind" berserk said trying to make blossom say yes

"Okay okay, We can go out"

Everybody cheered and flied out the window

They kept yelling outside while feeling free for some reason.




"I FEEL SO HAPPY" yelled bubbles

Everybody chuckled and kept flying around Townsville yelling.


"Hey, do you hear that?" Said Brick

"Hm, no. Not really" Said boomer

"But I heard something" Brick said waiting to hear it again

"it must be the wind"Said Boomer

"It sounds like the girls" Said Brick again

"Naww, chill, you must really like blossom. Do you miss her?" Butch said in a baby voice

"No! Now shut the fuck up!" Yelled Brick

Everybody started laughing while Brick's face starting burning up with a red blush


"So what should we do?" Asked blossom

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