Chapter 2

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Hey guys. Here's another chapter for you. Don't forget to comment and vote. Thanks :) ~Jodie

Chapter 2.
"Rose!cRose slow down"chanted Claire. I ran as fast as my feet could go without tripping over myself. I ran straight to the girls bathroom so I could lock myself out from the world. Without realising I ran right through moaning Myrtle. I passed the sinks and to the third cubicle and locked it an began uncontrollably sobbing. I could hear Myrtle conversing angrily with Claire. Afterwards I could hear panting directly outside my cubicle.

"Rose please come out."
"Go away and leave me alone!"
"Come on Rose you know what Trelawney says is all a bunch of crap anyway. Come on you can't stay in there crying forever." she was right why does what that frauds words mean anything if they aren't even going to happen in the first place. I stepped out from the cubicle not daring to look at Claire. Clearly my mascara had slowly made its way down my cheeks.

"Oh Rose look at you. Since when do you let your emotions get the best of you. Your usually so strong and stubborn on showing this side of you. How could this of struck a nerve?"
"Claire how would you have reacted if someone told you a family member could die. Probably exactly like this. So I appreciate you trying to cheer me up and all but please could I have some time alone?" Claire stood there completely dumbfounded by my response but nodded in understand net.
"I guess I'll see you at lunch then."
I just merely nodded before turning around to go to the sinks to clean myself up.
What a strange turn of events.

Sorry it wasn't much guys. I thought I would do a little scene on how she felt. :)

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