Chapter 18.

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Chapter 18.

Rose' P.O.V  

Adoption Service?!  But its only been a day. So quick! What am I to do now? I don't want to be away from my friends and to be adopted by a completely random family isn't something I want. I sighed and looked at Claire.

"Well I guess this might be the last time I see you then."


"That is a promise I can not make. I just hope I do." I got up and hugged Claire as well as Mrs Winters.

"Thank you for taking care of me Mr and Mrs Winters." I passed them and walked out of the living room door and headed towards the front door where I could see a woman dressed in a pencil skirt and a black blazer standing there with a brown clip board. She looked at me and smiled.

"Ready to go?" I sighed and nodded. I stepped out the front door and closed it behind me. I took a couple of steps down the stairs before the front door flew open.

"Wait?" Shouted Mr Winters. I turned and looked at his panicked face. The Adoption lady spoke. "Can I help you at all Mr Winters?"

"Yes. As a matter of fact you can. We wish to adopt Rose Black." WHAT?? They want to adopt me! Me?? I couldn't contain myself. I feel onto my knees crying right in front of everyone. I was so happy. I wouldn't lose anybody but gain a new family with the people who I already thought of as my family. Claire could then technically be my sister like we always wanted and I would end up having a mum and dad. Though it will take some time to get used to. The Adoption lady knelt before me and lifted up my head with her hand.

"Is this what you want Rose?"

"YES!! I would love to have them as my family. They are like family to me anyway." Mr Winters smiled at me and Mrs Winters began crying on his shoulder. Claire came bolting down the stairs and down to where I was and hugged me.

"This is just how I wanted it." I couldn't help but smile.

"Well let me get the papers ready and we will head back inside for the signing." I nodded and stood up, as did Claire. We hugged each other again and passed Mr and Mrs Winters and sat once again in the living room waiting for the others. Claire wouldn't stop fidgetting next to me as I sat patiently waiting. Deep inside I was excited but a little sad too as this would be a way partly replace my parents. I didn't want father to be replaced but now its the same situation with mother. But at least they are both being replaced by people I already know and trust.  

The adoption lady walked in with Mr and Mrs Winters walking in behind her and the sat opposite us. She placed the papers down on the coffee table before me and pointed to where I needed to sign. I picked up the quill and began signing along the dotted line. I placed the quill down and spun the papers around so it was facing Mr and Mrs Winters and they signed the papers one after the other. Another half hour later and we were finished. The lady took the documents and placed them in a plastic wallet and handed Mr and Mrs Winters a certificate saying they had successfully adopted me. I couldn't be happier. I tackled Claire into a hug and couldn't stop crying tears of happiness. The lady left shortly after the certificate was handed over. I now had a new family. I went up to Mr and Mrs Winters and hugged them both.

"Thank you so much Mr and Mrs Winters! I couldn't be happier."

"Rose there is no need for formalities now. Please call me Susan. Or mum if you would like. Whatever makes you comfortable."

"And please call me Richard or Rich for short or even father but again whatever makes you comfortable." I giggled. "Well it will take some time to get used to but Susan and Richard will do for now. Thank you both for adopting me on such short notice."

"You are more than welcome." I came out of the hug and walked up to Claire again. I had people to tell.

"Claire would you mind if I were to use Pepper again?"

"Pepper? Oh she hasn't returned home from the last letter you sent. Actually i'm quite worried." Hasn't returned yet? That's odd. I excused myself from everyone's company and walked up stairs to Claire' room. I opened the door and saw Pepper scratching at her window. I gasped. She must have been there quite a while. I ran to the window and opened it. She perched herself on her cage and dropped the letter. I went to pick it up but Pepper pecked my finger. She must be angry and hungry. I gave her a few treats and picked up the formal later once again.  

Dear Rose.

I am sorry for your loss. Truly I am. I have to apologize in advance for not telling you in this letter why I did what I did. Though I can tell you that yes I charmed that necklace. So much happened to you last year that I didnt' want you hurt anymore. But I believe I can answer all your questions in time. Though I wish to tell you now what happened I feel as though it is too soon to tell you just yet. The next time we meet, which would likely be at Hogwarts, is when I will divulge in what I know. But for now worry about the current state of affairs. I hope that you will not be put up for adoption. Though i'm sure a lovely family will be honored to have you. Again sorry for your loss and I look forward to the next time we shall meet.

Your sincerely


I hope he explains himself to me at Hogwarts. He clearly knew this was going to happen. I began replying instantly as I had the new news to tell him.  

Dear Severus.

I hope you will explain yourself when I come back to Hogwarts! You clearly knew this was going to happen. But anyway that's besides the point at the moment. I have some great news! Mr and Mrs Winters or now Susan and Richard adopted me! The lady came to get me after we went to Diagon alley today but they adopted me out of the blue. I am so happy but at the same time saddened too. I guess it cant be helped. We have so much to discuss when the new term starts. Missing you dearly.

Yours truly


I sealed the letter and gave a few more treats to Pepper then sent her on her way to deliver the letter once again. Wait when was term supposed to start? In 3 weeks? I huffed. So long away. Well at least I have a family that care for me now. I sat back against the chair and fell asleep thinking about the possibilities this new found family will bring.  

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