Chapter 8

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Hey guys thank you for 20 votes and 52 reads! I was unbelievably excited when I saw it!! *dances around bedroom* thank you all so much! Here's another chapter. And I want to shout out to @phoebemead for being my second person to comment!! Thank you!!~Jodie :)

Chapter 8.
Snape's P.O.V

She called me Snivilus! That hurt a lot. It reminded me of the Merauders but worst of all, Lilly. I was completely shocked by this and my face must have shown it as her smirk was whipped off her face immediately. She must have noticed my pain as she looked as if she could break down into tears almost instantly.

"S-s-sir I... I..."
"Detention with me for the rest of the term as well as the entire next term Black!" She didn't seem shocked at my snappy answer but her friend did. I would have said till she graduated but that would mean I would have to see her more than I wanted to. I regret what happened in the hospital wing. How could I have been so foolish to blurt out my feelings so openly.

The bell rang signalling dinner. Everyone rushed out of the room except Rose. She was still gaping at me because of what she said.

Roses P.O.V

I deserved detention. It's what I wanted but it's not how how I thought I would receive it. Perhaps what I called him bought back some painful memories.

"Leave miss Black!" demanded Snape. I didn't realise the bell had already rang signalling dinner. I must have been gaping at him for quite a while as no one was in the room except me and him. I needed to talk to him but I feel as though I have ruined my chance.
"Professor Snape-"
"Leave now!" I clearly have angered him. I just simply nodded but tears were threatening to fall. I accidentally let out a whimper. I realised I caused Snape to turn on his heels and look at me. I ran out of the classroom slamming the door behind me.

Snape's P.O.V

I heard a whimper slip Roses lips. I turned on my heels to look at her. Tears were filling her eyes and a single whimper was heard. My heart ached. She quickly ran for the door and quickly got out slamming it shut. The potions in my cabinets shook as the door slammed. I took a seat at my desk and rested my head in my hands. Why did she call me Snivilus? How did she know of that name? I sat in silence in my room for what seemed like an age until I heard a pop and Albus was on the other side of my desk.

"She didn't mean it Severus."
"Clearly she meant it Albus she said it."
"No Severus you are blind to her intentions. What you said to her in the hospital wing has been playing on her mind. You have been avoiding her. So why do you think she was especially troublesome today?"
"Albus the girl is a nuisance."
"She's been trying to get to you. She wants to talk about what happened hence she was purposely getting detention." She would go that far to talk to me? This girl will be the death of me.

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