Chapter 11.

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Chapter 11.
Rose's P.O.V

~Time skip~ 2 days later.
Its been two days already and Severus's detentions have passed by without a single word being muttered between us. It could be mistaken that is just Severus in his classroom when I actually I am there too. Today's lessons have flown by and it's already dinner. I have just today instead of being in complete silence.

Im sitting in the great hall with Claire picking at my food feeling rather nauseous. Not from food but from mixed emotions. How can I tell Severus that I'm sorry with him becoming angry? There is no way to be in a civil conversation with Severus after past events . I can't sit here any longer I need to go early. I don't want to sit feeling ill for the rest of dinner so the only logical reason is to leave early.

"Hey Claire I'm going detention now. I'm not hungry and so have no further interest in sitting in here."
"Aww is the anticipation to see Snape eating away at you that you have to see him early?" She said whilst making kissy faces and pouting.
"Oh shut it Claire you know I don't like him that way." Now that I think about it he is quite handsome. Wait what?! Handsome?! Snape? No way! Eugghh that's gross!
"Fine just go." Said Claire still pulling kissy faces. I got up and began my walk down to the dungeons.

I finally reached his classroom door and knew he wasn't there yet so I opened his door and sat at the chair infront of his desk and waited for him to enter his own room. It gave me some time to think on how to apologise to him. Perhaps I could start a task and just say it, or just say it as he enters the room. No that's too straight forward. My thoughts were interrupted by the metal door handle being lifted and the door being pushed open. Looks like I'm going to have to bring it up whilst doing as he requests. Snape closed his door and sighed. He turned around and saw me. He didn't move for about a minute. He practically jumped at the sight of me.
"Your early miss Black." Stated Snape. Talk about stating the obvious. I just nodded.
"What way will I be serving detention this evening professor?"
"Scrubbing the floor on your hands and knees without the use of magic your brush and bucket of soapy water is at the back. I expect to see myself when I look at the floor. You may start."And with that he sat at his desk and began grading papers. I walked to the back of the room and began my manual labour. An hour and a half later I'm scrubbing the floor at the front of his desk. I sat on my legs and wiped the sweat off my brow. I sighed due to the exhaustion and back ache. I think now maybe the time to talk to him. I found that the butterflies and sickness has returned again.

"Professor Snape?"
"Yes miss Black. Shouldn't you be working?" I ignored his statement.
"We need to have a talk sir."
"No miss Black now back to work." Denamnded Severus.
"Professor look I need to apologi-"
"SEVERUS SNAPE YOU WILL LISTEN TO ME!" he looked taken back by my actions but I didn't let that faulter what I have to say.
"First of all let me apologise for what I did the other day. I really didn't mean to hurt you, and yes I hurt you. Your face clearly showed it. I instantly regretted what I said to you. I'm sorry about that name I called you. Clearly something happened in your past had cause you pain and that name has something to do with it.  Secondly thank you for saving me from Draco, Blaze, Crabbe and Goyle I can't possibly put in words how greatful I am. And lastly what happened in the hospital winging confused me greatly but I know that I care for your well being, well you over all. There's not a day go by that I don't think about you. It's like you have plagued my mind. I care Severus, I care maybe too much than I should." Where did that come from? I care for Severus? Now I sit back and reflect on what's happened I guess I really do care for him.

He sat staring at me completely dumbfounded at how I snapped at him. I guess no one has spoken to him that way before, I have never spoken to anyone that way before. I forgot I was supposed to be cleaning the floor. I continued cleaning till I got to Severus's side. I looked up at him to find that his dark brown eyes are looking down at me. I stood up so he had to look up at me but his eyes stayed looking down at where I was before so he was left staring at my bare legs. I coughed to break the silence. His eyes slowly looked up my body till his eyes met mine. He stood up until he towered over me. I gulped afraid of what he might say to me. But no words were exchanged. Instead he wiped a single piece of dirt of my chin and brushed a strand of a blonde hair behind my ear. I let out a raspy breath at his touch. He noticed my reaction and backed away a little.
"You should leave now miss Black."
"Professor please call me Rose."
"Ok, good night Rose."
"Good night... Severus." he smiled when I said his name. I smiled back and walked to the door. I opened it and then turned once more.
"Will I see you tomorrow professor?"
"If you wish miss Black." I merely nodded.
"Night Severus."
"Good night Rose." I closed the door and made my way to the Gryffindor tower. I couldn't help but smile at my thoughts. I think I love Severus.

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