Chapter 19.

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Chapter 19.

*3 Weeks time skip (cba to write about the rest of her holiday)*

Rose' P.O.V

Today is the day we all return to Hogwarts as 6th years!!! Time flys when you have fun at Hogwarts. I have my trunk packed already and i'm set to go as is Claire my new sister! I still cant believe that happened. I still indeed miss my mother, but as would anyone. Losing the comfort of a warm embrace into caring and nurturing arms telling you everything's going to be alright. Though I have Susan and Richard to do that now.

They are such a caring bunch and I am truly grateful to be adopted by such an amazing family in which I can now proudly say i'm part of. It was 8 am and I was already wide awake and couldn't sleep any longer. I bounced out of bed and headed for the shower. Once done I changed into ( and bounded down the stairs. I faintly heard Susan and Rich sigh as they knew it was me as Claire never gets excited about going back  to Hogwarts. I guess i'm one of a kind. I'm also eager to see what Severus has to say as i'm sure he has plotted a cunning plan on how to avoid the subject of how he knew in the first place. I barged through the kitchen doors and sprinted to the dining table ready for breakfast. Clearly Susan and Rich wasn't awake yet as they had saggy eyes and long faces.

"Morning Rich and Susan!" I chirped happily.

"Morning dear."They replied in unison. I grabbed a handful of waffles and poured Maple syrup all over them and dived into my sugary breakfast. I could hardly contain myself, I was that excited I scoffed down my breakfast without a second thought about getting indigestion from eating too quick. I thanked Susan for the meal and bounded up the stairs again. I burst through Claire's bedroom to see she's still fast asleep. I smirked evilly to myself thinking of a cunning plan to get her up. I ran to the bathroom and turned the cold tap on and left it running so it would get colder as I ran back downstairs and into the kitchen once again to get a glass out the kitchen cabinet only to received funny looks from Susan and Rich. They knew my crafty ways and didn't bother to intervene  I sprinted up the stairs once more jumping over a couple of steps at a time. (I know, so lady like)

I returned to the bathroom and stuck my hand into the water to immediately pull it back out as the water was freezing like ice! I filled the glass to the very top and slowly walked into Claire's room being quite enough not to wake her. I smirked at the thought of how she might react when this freezing glass of water will be tipped all over her. I was stood looking down at Claire on the left side of her four post bed. She was snoring lightly with her mouth slightly ajar. I stretched my arm out above her making sure that it was high enough so it wont soak me in the process. She stirred slightly and began to roll over and face the glass. She slowly opened her eyes and blinked a few times before the realization hit her.

"WHAT THE-" Before she could continue the entire con-tense of the slightly frosted glass was poured onto her sleep encrusted face and tangled brown hair. She yelped as the cold water ran down the front of her face and into her pajama's. I was disappointed she slightly woke up to see my master plan.

"ROSEEEEEE!!!!! I WILL KILLL YOU!!!" She flew out of bed and chased me down the corridor and down the entire flight of stairs, into the serine living room and then into the tired kitchen that held the parents of the raging Claire. Rich looked up at his red face daughter and laughed.

"Good morning dear. I see that you finally woke up." He giggled along with Susan.

"Dad this isn't funny!!! Do you know what its like to wake up to water like ice being poured onto you?!" She shouted rather angrily.

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