Chapter 17.

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Chapter 17.  Severus' P.O.V I have been sat down for hours now and still have no idea how to write the letter back to Rose. She is clearly going through a bad time right now and is in definite need to be comforted. I didn't want to hurt her by telling her straight on that I got Trelawney to tell me of this prophecy she saw with Rose. And I couldn't tell her that I charmed her necklace due to the information I know. I walked over to my desk and sat down pulling out my quill and parchment and began constructing a letter off the top of my head.  

Dear Rose.

I am sorry for your loss. Truly I am. I have to apologize in advance for not telling you in this letter why I did what I did. Though I can tell you that yes I charmed that necklace. So much happened to you last year that I didn't want you hurt anymore. But I believe I can answer all your questions in time. Though I wish to tell you now what happened I feel as though it is too soon to tell you just yet. The next time we meet, which would likely be at Hogwarts, is when I will divulge in what I know. But for now worry about the current state of affairs. I hope that you will not be put up for adoption. Though i'm sure a lovely family will be honored to have you. Again sorry for your loss and I look forward to the next time we shall meet.

Your sincerely


  I re-read the letter I conjured off the top of my head and happy with what I had written I sent off Rose' owl to deliver the letter. Oh why does it have to be like this for her. What rough times we live in though it has been a lot worse.  

  Mrs. Winters P.O.V  

I sent Claire off to bed with Rose after the long day the poor girl has had. I wish to discuss the adoption with my husband for Claire' and Rose' sake. I walked into the kitchen and sat at the dinning table. I sighed and began the discussion. "What are we going to do dear? The poor girl has witnessed something quite dreadful and Claire wishes for us to adopt Rose." "I have the faintest idea darling. Though its not just us that have to make the decision but also Rose herself. This will be a difficult topic in which to bring up in casual conversation with her. We should at least give it sometime, though I fear if it is to be too long a wait that the adoption service will come looking for the girl." I nodded my head. Such horrible things have happened today and on the poor girls birthday at that. It will be hard for her to celebrate her future birthdays to come with such a burden on her shoulders. The conversation ended there and then and we left the kitchen and went to bed.

  Rose' P.O.V  

I lay in Claire' bed unable to sleep. She nodded off quite easily. Lucky for some. I could hear Mr and Mrs Winters talking faintly downstairs but that ended moments later and the lights went out in the landing. I sighed and sat up. What am I to do now? I have no family and only Claire who is as close to a sister than anything else but not biologically obviously. I got out of bed and looked out the window. The moon hung brightly in the night sky with a few scattered grey clouds floating aimlessly within the ocean of stars. It was a sight to behold and the silence was calming. I sat here pondering what my mother was doing right now.  

I looked up at the night sky and sighed. I hope she was watching me but that may only pain her more as I am suffering without her warming presence. I silently began crying afraid to wake Claire up in the process. I sat there for the rest of the night crying myself to sleep.  

I awoke to a bright light shining through my eyelids. I am sat up against the wall near the window. I must have fallen asleep here. I could smell breakfast downstairs. I looked over to the bed to see that Claire was not longer there. I got up and put on my gown and walked down the stairs. I opened the kitchen door and sat at the dinning table. Claire had already got dressed and by the looks of it eaten too. Mrs Winters was cooking and Mr Winters was reading the Prophet. I spoke up.

"Good morning Claire, Mr and Mrs Winters."

"Morning dear." Said Mr and Mrs Winters in unison. Claire just nodded. I ate my cereal and lookedup at Mrs Winters.

"Would you mind if I were to have a shower?"

"Not at all my dear. Take your time." With that I gave a curt nodded and once again climbed the stairs and walked into the bathroom and locking the door after me. I got out of my gown and Pajama's and stepped into the running shower. I stood there for a moment just letting the hot water run over me just thinking of what we might do today. I was silently hoping it would be something that will calm my mind for a while. I cleaned myself and stepped out the shower. I dried my hair and got changed into some of Claire' clothes graciously giving to me by Claire herself. I walked downstairs and sat with everyone in the Living room. I smiled at Claire.

"What are the plans for today?"

"We are going to Diagon alley today to get out school stuff." That's strange I hadn't received a letter.

"Don't worry Rose. we were given your letter. It looks as if Dumbledore knows you are here." That wise old man knows everything! I nodded and watched as Claire stepped into the fireplace with her mother and they both took a handful of floo powder. Oh how I hate this way of travelling. They both said clearly 'Diagon alley' and they were both engulfed in green flames and disappeared quicker than you can say 'Draught of the living death.' Clearly I had professor Snape on my mind. I Copied what Claire did and within seconds I was stood with the pair in an alley between two shops. We stepped out and looked to Claire' mother.  

"Right well I must go a different way so you girls have fun. Here's your money. Once your both done please meet me at the ice cream parlor and we will  go home." I stood wide eyed at the amount of money Mrs Winters handed me.

"Mrs Winters. I can not accept this! Its way too much and I will never be able to pay you back!" "Nonsense! Take the money and have a good day Rose. You need it." My facial expression must have changed as Mrs Winters apologized right after. I nodded and we began shopping.

After about 3 hours we were done and both breathing rather heavily as we hadn't had a single break from shopping. We walked down the cramped street and saw the parlor at the end. We bought an Ice cream and waited for Mrs Winters to get back. We sat at a table off to the side of the parlor. I began eating my Mint ice cream but was stopped shortly after as I felt a rather heavy tap on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Hagrid. I gave a half hearted smile.

"Hello Hagrid. What brings you here?"

"Dumbledore as'd me to tell ye he's sorry for ye loss. Me too Rose."

"Thanks Hagrid."

"If ye need anyone to talk to ye can always come n' see me in te' hut. Ye know where I is if ye need me." I just nodded again. With that he left and moments later Mrs Winters arrived. I had finished my ice cream and we began walking back. Once we were home again we put our bags in Claires room and sat down for a while and put our feet up after a long haul. Just as we began sipping our tea there was a knock at the front door. Mr Winters answered the door. We could hear faint talking then he walked into the room. He looked pale and sad.

"What is it dear?" Asked Mrs Winters.

"Adoption service."

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