Chapter 14.

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Heyy guys so this chapter is a bit emotional. I was tearing up whilst writing it. Please leave a comment telling me how you thought about this chapter.

chapter 14.   Roses P.O.V I woke up early the next morning starving. I then realised I went to bed without dinner last night. I was so angry with my mum that I forgot to eat. My eyes were puffy and red from crying so much last night. Why would she not consider how i feel about the current state of affairs? I dragged my legs off the side of the bed and stood. Everything was a little uneasy at first as I hadnt stood for quite some time since I got home last night. Ipulled on my dressing gown and opened the door to find there was food on a tray on the floor in front of me. I sighed and pushed the tray out the way and walked down the stairs still half asleep.

I opened the door to the kitchen and stepped in. I could smell a full english breakfast. Bacon, eggs, sausage, hash browns, fried bread- my favorite. I sighed as I realised my mother was the one cooking it. I just simply passed by her and sat at the dining table.   "Morning Rose." My mum said. I just mearly groaned at her. I didnt feel like conversing at the moment. "Look Rose I didnt realise you still had strong feelings for your father. I thought you would have been happy that I was finally moving on but clearly I was mistaken. But you have to understand that Wymark makes me happy and if he can bring me out of the darkness that we were once in im sure he could bring you out of it too. I dont expect you to get on so well to start off with but I would be greatful if you just tried, for me." I exhaled. I dont want things to stay the way they are with my mother but I really dont want anyone to act as a fartherly figure right now. Father means too much to me and to replace him with this Wymark would simply hurt me. Mum just sighed as I hadnt replied to her. She knew I wasnt happy so didnt push the conversation any further.

"I made your favorite Rose. We are going out today. Seen as its your birthday today we can go celebrate it at a theme park. How does that sound?" SHOOT!!! Is it really my birthday already. Mum caught my expression and laughed.  "Forgot did we. Well owls were arrived this morning, only two, but they carried parcels. One was from Claire I believe but the other one I dont know whos owl it was." I gasped. There was another present? Only Claire got me presents aswell as my mother obviously. "Where are they?" I asked excitedly. Mum just chuckled. "In the living room. But before you go galavanting off I suggest you eat your breakfast first." I nodded. Mum placed the food in front of me. I scoffed it down without a second thought about the fact I might get indigestion. But I didnt care. I wanted to know what the mystery parcel was and who it was from for that matter. I finished my breakfast and I sat politely at the table. Mum sighed and nodded. I screamed in happiness and ran to the living room.

There sat by the fire place two passels bother had a letter lying on the tope of them. I sat infront of the parcels and took Claires first and opened the letter and began reading.  

Dear Rose.  

Happy 16th Birthday!! I suppose you forgot, AGAIN! Well I hope you have a great day. I have already asked your mum if you can sleep over tonight for a slumber party and to clearly celebrate your LEGAL age! She said yes. Well after your trip to the theme park your heading straight to mine! I cant wait for your arrival. I have been planning this for quite some time now. Your going to be so shocked when you arrived that you will never want to leave. Mwhahaha I wouldnt be a good friend if I didnt do amazing things would I? Cant wait to see you later dear friend of mine. Again happy birthday.

love from Claire.  

She knows me so well. She can read me like a book. Today is going to be the best day ever! I can feel it. I opened the parcel and found a burgandy dress that ended just above the knee with lace sleeves that end at my wrist quite tightly. A card slipped out the box and onto the floor.  Wear this to my house! love Claire. xxx  Shes the bestest friend ever!!! She knew I would love this. I have to thank her for this later. I then moved to the second box. I slipped the letter off the top and ovserved the curved hand writing. This looked oddly familiar. I turned the envolope and found a red wax seal. This is rather formal. I slipped a knife under the seal and began reading the letter.

  To Rose Black. I giggled reading the formality of the start.  

I would like to congradualte you on turning sixteen. I hope you have an enjoyable day. Im sorry I couldnt drop this parcel off personally but its a gift all the same. I hope you like the gift. It reminded me of you when I saw it. I had to purchase this item. Enjoy.

  Your sincerly Severus Snape.

  I gasped. Severus knew it was my birthday? But how? I put the letter down and looked at the parcel. It was wrapped in black paper with a green ribbion. He was a true slytherin. I smiled. I pulled the ribbion and carefully pulled apart the wrapping paper. There sat a cardboard box. I took off the lid and gasped at the contense of the box. It had a silver necklace with a ruby in the middle in the shape of a heart. Its stunning. Mum must have heard me gasp as she entered the room. "What is it Darling?" She looked over my shoulder and gasped as well. "Whos it from? This is gorgeous." I didnt want to tell her it was my potions professor as that would be slightly weird.  "I dont know. it just said Anonymous." She just nodded.  "What did Claire get you?" "A burgandy dress. Look its gorgeous." I held the dress against my body. She smiled. "It suits you. That will go with your necklace." I nodded.  "Im going to put it on. Be back in a few mum." 

I ran up the stairs to my bedroom. I closed the door and flung off my dressing gown and night gown and pulled the dress over my head and pulled the dress down over my body. I looked in the mirrior at my reflection. I looked gorgeous. I put the necklace over my head and it layed between my breasts. I loved this more than anything. The dress hugged my curves in all the right places and fit around my bust perfectly. I smiled and fixed my hair into an updo with a clip holding it in place. The clip matched the silver of the necklace and pulled on a pair of burgandy pumps and walked down stairs. I stood in the kitchen doorway for my mum to have a good look at my new outfit.   "You look stunning Rose. Who ever that anonymous person must really care to bet you something so pretty and by the looks of it something so expensive too." Did Severus really care? I wonder. I will have to ask when I return back to Hogwarts. My mum interupted my thoughts. "Let me get ready and we will head off to the theme park." I smiled and nodded.

I sat patiently on the sofa in the living room and waited for my mum. She came down minutes later in a nice pair of jeans and pretty top. "Ready to go?" I nodded and jumped up and ran to the door. Mum laughed. I stood at the car door and waited for my mum to unlock it. I heard the bolt shift and I pulled the handle and stepped in the car and put on my seat belt. My mum put the key inthe ignition and turned it and with thay we were off.   We came to the highway about half way throughthe journey. Mum began to speak. "Oh by the way Wymark is going to be there to greet us." My mum said pleased. This annoyed me. This was suposed to be my day and he just happens to be there. Great.   "Why mum? Does he really have to come, I just want it to be us." "Oh dont be so stubborn Rose! For god sake hes only trying to get to know you!" My mum retorted rather angrily. "I DONT WANT TO KNOW HIM!"

Out of nowhere we were hit up te back of the car knocking us into the wrong lane where the cars where coming us. I screamed. THE PROFICY!! Was it coming true? A car it us head on. The glass from the windscreen smashed sending glass hurtling in the car towards us. I wasnt hit by anything. The ruby necklace had a faint glow as if it was enchanted. Was this Severus's doing? We were hit again and the car turned sideways and rolled down a bank on the side of the road. We were strapped in so all we could was wait for the car to stop rolling. We came to a sudden stop and I hit my head on the head board. Luckily not hard enough to knock me out but enough to send a blurry to my vision. I turned to look at my blurred mum and could see no movement.  "M-m-mu-mum?" I didnt get a reply. Perhaps she was knocked out from hitting head on the stearing wheel. I prayed to god thats what happened. My vision slowly recovered and again I peered at my non-moving mother. She has a large peace of glass lodged in her chest. My vision blurred again as tears fell freely across my cheeks. I screamed. "MUM! NOOOOOOOOOO!!"  

My mother had died on impact with the glass.

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