Chapter 10.

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here you go guys. chapter 10 for you. Enjoy.

Chapter 10.
Rose's P.O.V

I stood outside his classroom door for quite some time arguing with myself mentally whether to knock or not. I finally came to the conclusion that I followed him this far so why back down now. I could feel my stomach churning and butterflies began to flutter in my organs. I rested my palm against the solid wooden door. I stroked the wood before reluctantly knocking twice.

There wasn't a reply so I knocked a little louder this time but again no reply. I grew impatient of waiting so I just let myself in. I lifted the handle and pushed the heavy door open. I glanced at the mounds of papers on Severus's desk searching for the man who is to mark them. He was nowhere to be seen. I closed the door and just stood in silence listening out for any signs of movement. Minutes passed and still no sign of him. I turned to leave but as I touched the cold metal of the door handle another door opened in the room. I looked over my shoulder to see Severus walk out of his storage room to the left of his desk. The butterflies began to flutter again but more violently. Why am I so nervous all of a sudden?

Severus stopped infront of his desk and placed down two vials of liquid and turned to face me.
"What do you want miss Black?" asked Severus in a rather monotoned way.
"Professor Snape to you miss Black."
"Professor I have come to apologise for my actions earlier this evening-"
"I do not wish to hear your pathetic excuse of an apology miss Black, you will be wasting your time. Go and eat miss Black." demanded Severus.
"No professor please let me speak my mind or I fear it will send me rather insane."
"Leave miss Black."
I jumped at his snappy tone. He must really hate my guts after today's events. I wouldn't dare argue back at him right now. I turned back around and picked up the cold handle once more before turning back to Severus and saying "I will see you for detention tomorrow evening professor." I opened the door and slammed it shut. I really have to talk to him and it has to be said before I leave for the summer holidays.

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