Chapter 7.

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Hey guys. Here's another update for you. I am disappointed that I have only had one comment so far. Please comment on how u feel the story is going at the moment. I am dying to know. Anyway here's another chapter. ~Jodie :)

Chapter 7.
Roses P.O.V

Claire sat next to me noticing my grin.
"What are you plotting?" Claire asked clearly amused by my facial expression.
"What are you thinking Rose? Your smirking whilst in deep thought." I can't tell Claire what happened between me and Severus. Although she's like a sister it's still wrong for me to tell. Clearly Severus wasn't happy about what happened.
"I... Errr... I need help from Professor Snape with my O.W.L in potions and he won't help so I'm planning on getting detention with him. Care to help?" hopefully she buys my lie. It was a convincing one.
"Sure." Claire relied smiling. "Whats your plan?"

"My plan is to mix his grading papers up then to call him names like an over grown bat and Snivilus then to put firecrackers into everyone's potions to make a large mess."
"Oh my Merlin your going to be able to pull that off?"
"Of course Claire but with your help of course. I need you to get me noticed."
"And how do I do that?"
"Push me off my stool."
"What I can't d-" Before she could continue Snape started the lesson. Claire had no choice now. She has to do what I said.
"Today you dunderheads will be making a cure for boils. Don't mess up or the outcome will be you would make a potion for creating boils. Start." and with that everyone started following the instructions. I did a small bit of my work but I wanted to get cracking on with my master plan. I peered over at Claire and nudged her arm signalling her to push me off the stool. She was hesitant for a while but she did it.

I yelped as she pushed me causing everyone to stop in their tracks. I collided with the freezing cold stone floor creating a rather loud slapping sound as my bare legs hit the floor. (she's wearing a skirt by the way) I immediately shot up and turned to Claire startling everyone.
"Why the f### did you do that Claire?"
"Why the f### not b####!" she shouted. (A/N I don't permit to writing swear words in this story)
"there will not be that kind of language in my classroom miss Winters and miss Black. Ten points each from Gryffindor."
"What is it to you, you over grown bat?"

Everyone gasped at my snappy retort.
"15 points from Gryffindor for miss Blacks attitude and sheer lack of respect for a professor."
I brushed myself off and took my seat again. Severus went back to the front of the room keeping a watchful eye on the class. I transfigured an ingredient into a pebble and threw it at the back wall behind Severus to make him turn around. He did as planned. Whilst his back was turned I quickly pulled out my wand and cast a spell to mix his papers. I even pulled last years graded papers out of his draws and put them with the newly mixed grading papers.
I put away my wand and continued with my work. Severus turned around again and scanned the classroom for the culprit. I looked over at Claire. She was snickering under her breath. I couldn't help but smirk at her. This was rather amusing. The plan was going well so far.

Now for the finale. I acio'ed my firecrackers into everyone's cauldrons, whilst under an invisibility spell. Duh. This is going to get messy. I looked at Claire giving her a warning glance. She pulled out her wand and cast a protective spell around us. I began counting down in my head. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Right on Que. Everything seemed to go into slow motion. This purple liquid erupted from everyone's cauldrons. It seemed to stop for a mere second before caking the interest class and room. The girls screamed and the boys cheered. Me and Claire erupted into uncontrollable laughter. People began to grow puss filled boils upon their hands and faces. It was the funniest sight ever. Severus silenced the whole room and stormed over to me and Claire. She immediately stopped laughing but I continued. He growled at me making me turn to face him. I killed my laughter and whipped my tears looked him in the eye. I could see rage burning in his black eyes. I got lost in his black gloves and couldn't help but stare.

"Explain yourself black." He demanded.
"There's no need to professor. You and your classroom needed a make over. Snape." I emphasised his name.
"It's professor Snape." He snapped back almost instantly.
"Ok Snivilus, whatever you say." I smirked. But that was instantly whipped off my face after I saw his expression change from anger to one of pain. I clearly struck a nerve but didn't get the expression I was expecting. I was close to tears. I have made a huge mistake.

Please continue to vote and read. Thank you lovelies~Jodie :)

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