Chapter 6.

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I'm so sorry for not updating guys. I have been writing my ideas and has taken time to create them into chapters. Please continue to vote. And I would appreciate a few comments here and there.~ Jodie :)

Chapter 6.
Roses P.O.V
I have been trying to talk to Severus for a week and three days but clearly he has been avoiding me. He leaves early every time we eat in the great hall and every time I knock on his classroom there's no reply though I can hear a faint sound of quill to parchment. Even during Quidditch matches I couldn't concentrate I always found myself looking directly at the Professors stand. I would find myself staring at Severus. I really need to find out what that was all about in the Hospital wing.

Four days left till summer which wasn't enough time for me to catch up with Severus. I sat in Arithmancy thinking of ways in which I can get close to him. Professors Vectors lectures were boring but the lesson still flew by quickly. I didn't really have to pack much of my stuff up as I didn't get my books out for the lesson. I was eager to get to potions. I still haven't even conjured up an idea of how to get Severus alone. I walked through the courtyard and saw Professor McGonagall and a Slytherin student talking. It was Pug face Pansy.
"Miss Parkinson detention with me for the rest of the term!" McGonagall shouted. THAT'S IT! Detention will be my only salvation to get to him.

I arrived at the dungeon classroom early with a tooth grin. I sat at the front of the classroom. Severus was already there, grading students papers as always. It was an awkward silence but that gave me time to think of how to get detention. My thoughts were cut short by the hustle of students walking into the classroom single file. I smirked to myself. This was going to be fun.

Sorry this is so short I will make up for it in chapter 7 I swear. I love you guys. Please comment as I would like to know how you all feel about my book so far. Please continue to vote. ~ Jodie :)

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