Chapter 26

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Heyy guys so I apologise now as this is a short chapter. And also I thought I would let you know this story is slowly coming to an end. There's only a few chapter's left. :( ~Enjoy the chapter~ Jodie :)

Chapter 26.

Rose' P.O.V

Both Claire and I woke up early the following morning and got ready for our catch up/ shopping day. Claire complimented my outfit as we made our way to the Great hall to have breakfast before we left for the day. After breakfast we headed straight down to the carriage's and climbed in and began our ride to Hogsmead. 

"So whats new? I haven't seen you in ages!" She exclaimed.

"I know and I apologise for that. There is so much I need to tell you. When was the last time I saw you so I don't have to tell the entire story to you?"

"You left running after Severus when he left the Great hall."

"Right. Well I followed him all the way to his classroom. He locked the door with Jade inside and well I broke the door down and found them tongue deep in each others throat." She gasped but nodded for me to continue. We stepped out the carriage as we made our way to the enterance of Hogsmead. I explained the rest to her and told her me and him have become rather close and told her my plan about his gift. She said I was a devoted to him as I was actually thinking of what to get him. I just said its what all girls do.

We walked up to the store where I saw the new book when I was with Severus. I gasped as it was not longer displayed in the front window. 

"Oh Merlin's beard please say someone has bought it?"

"It hasn't been bought Rose." Claire said.

"Oh haha just because I told you to say it doesn't mean you have to."

"No really, it hasn't. Look." She said pointing to the next store over. I got confused by which store it was. Wow i'm stupid. I practically ran into the store and demanded the woman behind the counter to fetch me the book so I could buy it. She came back and said 30 gallons. That was quite expensive for a book but either way it was worth it for the person I was buying it for. We walked out the store and to a little card store where they sell wrapping paper and ribbons. I bought black wrapping paper and Green ribbon seen as he was the head of Slytherin.  

After buying my stuff we headed off to a clothes store as Claire thought it would be funny if she would by me a dress to wear for Severus's birthday. I just played along not wanting to argue though I was completely against the idea. She bought me my dress and then headed outside. There was a horrible gust of wind and both me and Claire shivered in unison.  

"Want to go grab and coffee to warm us up?" Claire suggested. I nodded as I shivered again getting goose bumps. We walked up to a coffee stand and bought our hot beverages. We went to go find a bench to sit on. I thought I would strick up a casual conversation.

"Got yourself a guy yet Claire?" I smirked.

"Actually I have a crush on someone." I began to stroke my invisiable beard.

"Who on earth could the Claire Winter's have a crush on? They should count themselves lucky." She laughed.

"Give me a clue." I said.

"It begins with an S and his last name begins with an F." I thought about it for awhile whilst lightly sipping on my coffee.Then it clicked.

"Oh my gosh. No way. Not Seamus Finnigan?" I asked frowning a little.

"Yepp. The one and only." She laughed.

"Wow. I thought you would do better than that but I won't say anything. It would be rather cute I think." We finished our coffee and headed back to the castle. Claire didn't actually buy anything but I didn't complain as I was freezing my butt off. We got off the carriage and headed back for our dorms. I was hidding the book in my coat just incase I passed Severus along the way, which, thank Merlin I didn't. I closed my door behind Claire and sat on the floor and rolled out the wrapping paper.  

"So how long have you and Severus been lovey dovey then?" Claire questioned.

"To be honest I don't know. I don't care for the day's, all I care about is what happen's within the time that we are together." She nodded agreeing with me. I finished wrapping the present and hid it under my bed. I looked at the time and realised it was time for dinner.  

"Let's go eat." I said to Claire as she was star fished across her bed. She got up and followed me to the Great hall. After dinner we returned to our dorms, I had a shower then went to bed thinking about what tomorrow would be like.

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