Chapter 3

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Hey guys I'm sorry about the last chapter being so short so this should make up for it. Love ya all ~Jodie

Chapter 3.
Roses P.O.V

After about an hour of crying the bell finally rang signalling lunch break. I cleaned myself up and made my way down to the great hall. I had passed quite a few people who just glared at me. Oh god what have I done now? I just kept my head down and didn't bother looking up. I could hear quite a few pairs of shoes behind me. I attempted to quicken my pace but was unsuccessful.
"hey Black what you gunna do now? Your potions master isn't here to save you".

What does he mean my potions master? Nothing's happening between us. I don't even like him that way. I just stayed quite and continued walking and looking at the floor. That was until I was thrown against the wall and pinned there. I felt like this was Dejavu.


I was about o leave the DADA classroom when all of a sudden the door locked in front of me. In a millisecond I was thrown against the wall and pinned there. I looked up at my attacker. Lockhart!
" Your looking as radiant as ever Rose". I tried escaping his vile grasp but failed.
"trying to resist me huh? Not going to work young lady". He tried to kiss me but I bit his lip.
"mmmm I can play nasty too miss Black". Oh god what have I done now. I have only worsened the situation.

He grabbed my hair and pulled my head back so I could look into his eyes. I could see a raging fire within his disgusting eyes. He kissed me with so much force I swear I could feel blood trickling down my face from the sides of lips. He tried to gain entrance to my mouth but I refused. His grip tightened around my hair making me wince but he still couldn't stick his tongue down my throat. He grabbed my arse cheek making me gasp and he began exploring every inch of my mouth with his tongue. I bit down hard on his tongue. He screamed in pain and let go of me. I used alohamora on the door and ran as fast as I could away from that wretched man.

~end of flashback~

"Black! Eh Black what you staring at?" I didn't reply. One of the four people lifted my head violently. I identified them all instantly. Crabbe, Goyle, Blaze and Draco.
"I said what you staring at Black?" spat Blaze.
"n-no-nothing" I stammered on my words after recalling my past events.
"Hey Black your names the colour of your soul." state Crabbe.
"aww look at little helpless Rose. Gunna call for Daddy?" chanted Draco.
"My fathers dead!" I yelped back.
"how dare you speak back at me like that you little brat!" I closed my eyes before I knew what was coming.

Before I could retaliate I felt a knuckle collide with my right eye so hard my head was thrown back against the wall making me fall to the floor in pain. They continued with the beating until I was sprawled on the floor.
"Petrificus totalus" someone shouted. All the boys froze in their beating poses. I could hear footsteps running at me but before I could identify my saviour I blacked out.

There we go there's the next chapter guys. I hope that made up for the short chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment. Love you all. :)~ Jodie

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