Chapter 28

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Chapter 28.

Rose' P.O.V  

I woke up the next morning completely rapped up by Severus' arm's. They were wrapped tightly around my waist so I wasn't able to move. I looked up at his face to see he was sound asleep still. I rested my head back onto his chest and thought about last night. It was pure bliss. And apparently it was for him too, I wasn't complaining. The thought of last nights intimacy made me smile.

Severus began to stir and gradually wake up. I closed my eyes and slowed my breathing making it look like I was sleeping. I felt him lightly moan as I heard it echo throughout his chest. I felt him lift an arm and slowly play with my hair. I pretended to stir and wake up. I yawned and stretched not realizing the cover had slipped of my chest. I turned to Severus to see he had a single eyebrow raised and staring and my chest.

"I'm up here Severus." He snapped out of it and looked up at my face innocently. I laughed.

"Good morning to you too Severus." He chuckled and stroked the side of my face with his thumb.

"Sleep well Rose?" He asked smirking quite a bit.

"I slept like a log. Last nights... intimacy must have been quite tiring for me." I winked. He let out a hearty laugh before kissing me on the lips.

"Last night was a lot of fun but it is about time we got out of bed." I agreed and slipped out the covers and retrieved my clothes which were sprawled around his bedroom floor. I walked into the bathroom and put on the remainder of my clothes but then realized my bra was missing. I sighed. Two can play at that game. I walked out the bathroom to see Severus still laying in bed. He had his back turned away from me so I took this as an opportunity to pick up his shirt and run back into the bathroom to hide it under my dress. I walked back out and sighed.

"Severus, hand it over." He turned around and smirked evilly. I walked over to him not giving a damn about the face that he could see my chest. He handed it over in defeat and I put it no a walked into the bathroom once again and slipped on my dress. I couldn't do up the zip so I hid his shirt in a cabinet and walked out and gave my best puppy dog eyes to Severus.

"Please can you help me do up my dress?" He nodded. He did my dress up and turned me around and kissed me. I kissed back and walked out of his bedroom and made my way back to the dorm to get ready for the day.  

I said the password and made my way up to the girls dorm. I stepped inside my room and saw Claire still sleeping. I got my robes and got in the shower. A little while later I got out and got dressed and dried my hair with magic. I stepped out the bathroom and yelped as I saw Claire sitting up in her bed. She scared me.

"Where were you last night?" I didn't say anything and just sat on my bed and started twiddling with my thumbs. She gasped.

"You didn't?" She asked though she already knew the answer. Again I didn't say anything.

"Rose Black, when did you suddenly grow up and manage to do something like that?"

"I don't know Claire but I must say it was fun." She made a face at me but didn't say anything. She got up and dressed herself and we made our way down to the great hall for breakfast. We sat down and I saw Jade was all over Draco. I nudged Claire in the ribs.

"When did they become a thing?"

"Oh didn't you hear? They got together about a week ago."  

Jade'  P.O.V (Never thought that this would happen!)


I was sat down at the black lake taking in the scenery. I was rather down about the fact I was caught out so easily about my obsession with Severus. But that doesn't matter anymore. I heard a twig snap behind me. I turned around still sitting to look back at the intruder. It was Draco. I turned around again not bothering to say hello or even offer him a seat next to me, but he sat there all the same.

"Are you alright Jade?" He questioned. I nodded. He seemed a little nervous about something. I have had this too many times with guy's to know what's coming next. I just played dumb for now.

"Jade, I heard what happened between you and Snape. To be honest it was rather funny to hear about and to think you would go that far to get someone."This took me back a little. I wasn't expecting that.

"What do you want Draco?"

"Jade, I have been watching you for quite some time now and I have taken quite a fancy to you. I wish to make you my girlfriend. Wait let me re-word that. Jade please will you be my girlfriend?" He clearly made a mistake in pretty much demanded me to be his girlfriend but all the same I have been looking at him quite a lot and had a fluttering feeling in my stumach that i haven't experienced with any other boy I have been with.

"Yes." He smiled and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. He helped me up and we walked back to the castle.

~End of flashback~

I have never been so happy to be with someone before other than Draco. I'm glad he asked me out that day otherwise I would be missing out something as magical as the relationship we have now. I have needed someone like Draco all my life.  

Hey guys. So this chapter was pretty much a little informative chapter about Jade finally getting a boyfriend. This is the second to last chapter. The next chapter will be the last one. Im looking forward to your reactions on the ending. Im sorry its ending so quickly but I wasn't planning on making it a long book. Love you guys. ~Jodie. xoxo

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