Chapter 22

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this is quite a long chapter guys so enjoy ~Jodie :) xoxo

Chapter 22. Rose' P.O.V

Amortentia? What on earth does Jade want with that? I walked away from the door and ran back to Griffindor tower skipping dinner. I didn't want to eat anything now. I'm seriously confused. Why would she ask Severus for help when clearly our year is already learning to make it. I slammed my door shut startling Claire in the process.

"Claire what are you doing here? Why aren't you at dinner?"

"I could ask you the same thing." She sighed.

"I'm not in the mood for dinner. I'm worried about you. You haven't been the same person since we came back. You were so happy and excited when we were getting here, now you seem occupied and upset about something. What is wrong?" I remembered I never told Claire about me and Severus. I exhaled lazily.

"Do you promise to keep this a secret on all circumstances?" She nodded profusely. I began telling her about me and Severus. She gasped at parts but didn't say a single word. I finished telling her my story and she sat there for a minute not talking.

"So you and Severus have kissed once out of the whole last year?" 

"There were problems Claire, they just kept coming one after another."

"So why are you so worked up now?" I tightened my jaw.

"Well i'm concerned for Severus. He was supposed to explain to me why he charmed the necklace but the new girl Jade barged in the room so I couldn't have a chance to listen. But I walked out and closed the door and caught a bit of their conversation." She nodded for me to continue. I sighed in anger.

"She asked him whether he could help her make Amortentia." She frowned.

"Why would she ask when we are learning to make it now?"

"I'm asking myself the same question. Well either way I want to find out what shes up to." She grinned evily.

"Would you mind if I helped on you 'investigation?" She said with the quoting sign with her hands. I nodded.

"I was going to ask you anyway. I have already questioned Lillian about Jade's actions but it seems she has been sworn to secrecy and so didn't tell me anything." She looked angry but didnt say anything.

"We should go to dinner." She nodded and we left the common room.  

*1 Month time skip*

We still haven't found out much at all other than the fact she spent a lot of time with Severus making Amortentia. It also seem's that he has been avoiding me too. In lesson he kept away from me and never left his classroom or his quater's other than for food. It also seem's she found out what smells Severus is attracted to by making him smell the Amortentia. It has been a rough time but today they finished makingb the Amortentia. Jade snuck a vial of it into her robe pocket and left his classroom shortly afterward's smirking evily. Both me and Claire decided to give up seen as she was probably just making it for some random student she has a pathetic crush on. We called it a day and headed off to bed.  

The next morning I woke up early and had a shower. I stepped in the shower and let the water soak me. I thought about how much I miss Severus. I don't like the fact he has been avoiding me over some petty conversation. I snapped out of it and finished of my shower. I stepped out and dried myself and dried my hair with magic and dressed myself in my normal Gryffindor robes. I walked out the bathroom and Claire was still asleep, as alway's. I pushed her off her bed and onto the floor.  

"OWWWW!!!" She yelped. I giggled.

"Well i'm up now, I will get ready then we can head to the great hall for breakfast." I nodded and sat down on her bed waiting for her. A short time later she walked out the bathroom ready for the day. We left the common room and walked to the great hall. I sat down at the Gryffindor table and looked towards Jade. she looked nervous. Why I wonder? Claire sat next to me moments later and said what I was thinking.

"Why does Jade look nervous?"

"I don't know Claire but I have a feeling we will find out soon." The teacher's followed each other through the enterance specifically for them. I watched Severus sit down and wait for Dumbledore to lay out the breakfast. He did as expected and everyone began to talk and eat. Severus poured himself a coffee and took a sip of it. I watched as his face changed. I heard some Slytherin's start to argue but I watched Jade fet up and leave the hall. I turned to see Severus watching her leave. Only moments later he left early himself. What the hell is going on?! I looked to Claire.

"Go for it!" She demmanded rather loudly. I nodded and sneakily followed behind Severus.  

Severus' P.O.V

My coffee tasted funny. What is wrong with me? I usually check my coffee before drinking any so why was today any different? All I felt the urge was to go see Jade. And so thats what I will do. I watched Jade leave the hall and so I followed after her. I felt as though I was being watched as I left but I payed no attention to it. Half way back to my classroom I felt eye's watching me. I turned around but no-one was there. I shrugged it off and proceeded to my classroom.  

Rose' P.O.V

He almost saw me! I hid behind a stone pillar and waited for him to continue walking again. He did as expected and continued walking. As did I. I followed him to his room... Jade was inside! The door shut and Severus locked it. What on earth is going on?! I waited for a while expecting him to walk out but he hasn't. It's been too long. I used 'Alo hamora' on the door and blasted the door down. Severus was... KISSING JADE!! So this is what he has been avoiding me for!

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