Chapter 13.

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Chapter 13.

I arrived at platform 9 and 3/4 a few hours later. I collected my bag from the compartment and stepped out of the train. I sighed as I remembered I'm leaving Severus behind. But at least I can owl him. I scanned the crowd of excited parents looking for their beloved children. I came across a black haired women with completely green eyes. She was quite tall and very slender and stood up straight in a very proud way. That was indeed my mum. I said my good byes to Claire.

"See you in the sixth year Claire. Going to miss you. Remember to owl."

"Of course I will. I was thinking that you could come stay with me and my family for a little while this summer. You know they are always happy to have you over so it wouldn't matter how long you stayed for as long as it is fine with your mother that is."

"I will owl you whether it would be alright or not. I will hopefully see you soon Claire. Bye." With that I hugged my best friend and parted ways to go met mother. 

I greeted mother with a casual hey.

"Oh Rose its so good to have you back home! You have missed sooo much whilst you were at Hogwarts. I didn't want to owl you as I wanted to tell you myself. How about we discuss this while having a little girly day out shopping?"

"That sounds great mum. I would like to return home first to freshen up as the travel was rather long."

"Of course." with that we walked through the wall and took our leave of kings cross station. but something changed. we started walking over to the car park instead of the bus stop.

"Mum why are we in the car park?"

"Well this is part of the surprise. All will be explained later darling. Trust me you will be pleased." I had a little gut feeling telling me that something terrible is going to happen later on. I just shrugged off the feeling and stepped into the new black Audi R8. (had to ask my dad lol) 

"Since when did you learn to drive?"

"I learned how to drive this year whilst you were at Hogwarts." I didn't like the way this was turning out. Since when did we have enough money for driving lessons and a new Audi R8. We began to drive towards a shopping mall to begin our girly shopping spree. To be honest im not a really big shopper. I usually just let my mum do it all. After about 2 hours of shopping we finally stopped and sat in acafe. I ordered a tea and scone and mother just ordered a black coffee. She sighed.

"So are you going to explain all this new car and money stuff then mum?" She sighed again and began to explain.

"Since you went away at the start of last year I had been seeing someone. So it has been a year with this new guy called Wymark." Oh no. A new guy! No scratch that a new step dad! I hate him already.

"Anyway hes really nic-"

"STOP! How could you do this without my concent! Go off with another man without asking if it was alright just replace Dad. But no you had go off galavanting and start dating a guy without asking your daughter if it was ok. And incase you ask now NO it is not ok. How can you replace him so easily? The day I begin to like this 'Wymark' is the day that father will turn in his grave. And that isnt happening  any time soon!" She looked taken back by my words. They were like miniature daggers to her heart. Im glad it hurt because im more hurt than she will ever be.

"Take me home mum. I have studying to get on with and people to owl!"

With that we got up in silence and drove all the way home. I spent the rest of the evening in my bedroom locked away so my mother cant get to me.

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