Chapter 12.

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Chapter 12.
Rose's P.O.V

Today's the day when everyone goes home for the summer holidays. I had already packed my trunk last night as I wanted to have some time to talk to Severus. Every single student has gathered in the great hall for the end of year ceremony and award of the house cup. Dumbledore stood up and walked to the podium at the from of the hall. Professor McGonagall taped her spoon against her glass goblet twice to get everyone's attention for Dumbledore.

"Thank you Minerva. Now it's time to award the house cup." I wasn't really listening. I was eager to go see Severus. I could barely contain myself but I didn't want to create a scene. I still didn't find out what he meant in the hospital wing. Perhaps I could ask him before I leave today. That will give me another reason to see him anyway. The great hall burst into cheers and clapping. The drapes changed from a grey colour to on of green and gold. Slytherin had won the house cup. I took this opportunity to look up at Severus. He had a rather large grin across his face. You could tell he was proud and happy but didn't need to express it through a smile. I couldn't help but laugh at his face. Claire and everyone looked at me questioningly.
"Rose why are you laughing?"
"What? Oh it's just because everyone seems upset that Slytherin won the house cup. I couldn't help but laugh." I had to lie. Severus must have heard my laughter as he's looking at me. I couldn't help but laugh and smile. He smiled at me. I gasped, Snape actually smiled, not just smiling but smiling at me! This time he was chuckling at me. Wow Snape must be happy if he's chuckling and smiling. I think Claire noticed as she was shocked too.
"Merlins beard! Snape just chuckled! That guy never chuckles! Something just have him in really high spirits." I made him chuckle, perhaps if I laugh and smile more he would be a happier person. Dumbledore silenced the hall once more.

"Yes we'll done Slytherin. Now if you will all return to your dorms and pack your bags, the train leaves at 11." that gives me an hour to talk to Severus.
"Claire I have already packed my bags. I probably have detention with Snape for a while so I will see you later."
"Ok. Have fun with Snappykins." Before she could make kissy faces I had already turned my back and started walking away. I was blushing at the thought of kissing Severus. I shook that thought out of my head and walked down the stairs to the dungeons.

I'm outside Snape's classroom. I sighed and knocked on the door. There wasn't a reply. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I pulled out my wand and cast 'Alohamora'. I opened the door and was surprised that he locked the door with a key. I closed the door and locked it again to make it look like no one even entered. I thought I would be a little rebel and so I sat in Severus's chair and waited for him to come back. I didn't think about anything I just stared at the door. After about in minute of staring I finally hear footsteps. I heard a key being pushed into the key hole and begin to turn. I sat up straight and wore a smirk across my face. The door finally opened and in stepped Severus. He turned his back on me and closed the door. He turned around again and walked towards his desk. He looked up as he reached the last step in his room. He stopped in his tracks when he saw me.
"I've been expecting you Severus." I said pretending to stroke a cat. The silence went on for too long. I burst out in laughter. My stomach hurt from laughing so much. Snape just stood there with a single eyebrow raised. 
"Your in my chair." He stated matter-of-factly.
"Well spotted professor. Ten points to Slytherin."
"Are you mocking me miss Black?"
"You dunderhead. Why would I mock you?" I couldn't contain myself. I let out a hearty laugh. I couldn't stop it, it felt so good to laugh and joke with Severus. He chuckled. I immediately stopped laughing and gaped at him.
"Your crazy you know that?" He said whilst smirking.
"Yes and before you continue can I request that I have my seat back?" I got up and sat on the end of his desk. He took his seat. I swung my legs round so I can face him. He seemed to gulp and mutter something I don't know what it was but I don't care at the moment.

"What did you mean in the hospital when you said you cared for my well being?" he looked as if he tensed up. Perhaps this was the wrong time to ask.
"Please tell me Severus. I blurted out to you how I felt I request that you do the same." He sighed and place his thumb and index finger either side of the bridge of his nose.
"Rose I forbid myself from speaking about this to you but it is only fair I tell you seen as you told me." I almost jumped up and hugged him but I restrained myself.
"When you were attacked you were the only thing on my mind. I felt guilty for the fact I didn't get there sooner. So I stayed by your side the entire time in the hospital wing until you would wake up. Within those two days I began to notice that u meant quite a bit to me. I felt as though I had to tell you but I didn't know how to word it. So I made sure to tell you but to the fact that you wouldn't know 100% how I felt about you. Then out of nowhere you woke up like you had been waiting for me to say that. I was shocked that you also heard what I said so I didn't know how to react. So I ran. I felt wrong for telling you but guilty for leaving you in the dark."

I didn't know what to say. That was not what I was expecting to hear at all. Did I really mean that much to him? Does he still feel that way now? I stood up and walked to his side and took his hand in mine.
"Is this how you feel about me now?" He looks as if he's contemplating whether to answer or not. I couldn't contain myself. I bent down and kissed his cheek. I was reluctant to break off the kiss but I had to go. He looked at me shocked at what I had just done. I didn't regret it.

"Sev I have to leave for the train." He looked almost disappointed but nodded anyway. I chuckled.
"Your cute when your surprised Severus." As if expecting me to say that he replied almost instantly.
"Your cute overall Rose." I gaped at him and his answer. Does he really mean that? I picked up my bag and walked to the door.
"See you next term Severus."
"Likewise Rose." With that I left his room proud of today's achievements. I made it to the train on time. I sat with Claire Ian compartment thinking about Sev. 
can't wait till next term.

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