Chapter 27 *Warning*

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*Warning this chapter contains adult humor. Please dont read if you feel as though you will be disgusted with it.* It wasnt my idea ok! Blame my friend!!!

Chapter 27.
Rose' P.O.V

I woke up in a rather cheerful mood one because its Sunday and two it was finally Severus's birthday. I finally get to pay him back for my ruby necklace he got me. I hopped out of bed and jogged to the shower, excited to see Severus already. I had a quick shower then stepped out and wrapped a towel around me and walked out back into mine and Claire's room. I couldn't find the dress she bought me anywhere. She laughed, a lot. She didn't bother helping me as she found this too hysterical. I looked under my bed and couldn't see it. I moved over to her bed and looked under it to see it was right in the middle of the floor under her bed. I stretched and managed to grab the corner of the packaging  and pulled it towards me so I got a better grip and pulled it out completely. I glared at Claire as I walked back into the bathroom. I slipped on my underwear and then the dress over the top. 

I walked out the bathroom and over to the mirror to take a look at myself, and I asked Claire to do my hair I did my make up and looked in the mirror again and pleased with my outfit and how I looked I ordered Claire to bring my breakfast up to me as I didn't want to create a scene wearing this. She brought to me and I ate quite elegantly as I didn't want to end up spilling or dropping something on me or my dress. I finished up eating and looked to Claire as she walked out the bathroom wrapped in a towel. She looked at me and nodded. I smiled and sprung up off my bed and picked up Severus's presents and fixed my dress before walking to the door.
"Good luck." Claire wished before I left out the door.

I walked down the corridor's on the way down to the dungeon seen as it was about 10 I knew he would be marking papers. But on a bloody Sunday. I walked down the stairs to his classroom door before sighing and smirking to myself before opening the door to surprise him.
"Have I not told you Miss Tantum that theres-" He turned around and stopped talking when he saw me standing in the door way. He dropped his quill on the floor and gaped at me. I laughed.
"Your going to catch flies like that honey." I said. He regained his posture and blushed slightly.
"Well I didn't expect to see my gorgeous girlfriend standing there in something that makes twice as gorgeous." Now it was my turn to blush.
"What are you doing here Rose and especially on a Sunday?" Did he really not know that I knew it was his birthday.
"Its a special day today. I came to celebrate with you." He sighed.
"Im only turning 38 Rose." I giggle and walked up to him. I kissed him lightly on the lips pushing him to his chair and pulled the parchment out of his hands and layed it on the desk. I pushed him in his seat and pulled away.
"Trying to seduce me Rose?" He questioned smirking. What is his mind like, seriously. I laughed and shook my head. He looked slightly disappointed but remained poker faced.
"I have something for you Severus." He raised and eyebrow at me. I put a little box in his hand that was covered in black wrapping paper and green ribbon. He looked at me questioningly.
"Open it Severus." He didn't say anything and proceeded to open the gift. He got down to the little blue box before pulling the lid off. He pulled out the two silver snake bracelets and looked at me questioningly.
"They are charmed so when either of us wants each other they will tighten until you answer the call by coming to me or vise verse." He looked at me wide eyed.
"These must have been expensive Rose." He argued.
"Actually the shop keeper took a liking to me in ways I will not discuss further and so got them cheaper." He laughed.
"Who wouldn't take a liking to such a beautiful young lady." I blushed. He slid the bracelet on just as I did.
"Thank you Rose. I will never take it off." I nodded and agreed that I will never take mine off. Then I held out the other gift.
"Two? You know how to spoil a guy, I give you that Rose." He giggled as did I. He took the gift out of my hands and began unwrapping it carefully as to not make a mess. He took of the paper and gasped at the book.
"How did you-"
"When we went to Hogsmead I saw you look at this book and so I thought it would be the perfect gift for you." 
"Your one amazing girl Rose. I love you." He ran his fingers over the front cover of the book before putting it down on his desk and getting up and taking a hold of my hands. He looked me in the eyes and leaned down to kiss me. I kissed back as he began to kiss more passionately. We began slowly walking towards a wall as he pinned me there. I smiled against his lips as he leaned his hips against mine aplying a small amount of pressure.
~Scene starts here. Be warned~
I felt Severus tugging at the zip of my dress as I played with his hair. I moaned against him and I felt him smirk against my lips. He moved his lips from mine to the nape of my neck making me gasp in pleasure. I could feel him sucking and biting giving me a hickey that will be noticeable tomorrow morning. I grabbed his head and pushed my lips against his quite roughly might I add. It was my turn for dominance. I pushed against him and we began to walk to his desk. We came to a sudden stop as he hit against the table with his thighs. He smirked yet again and picked me up via the thighs as I wrapped my legs around his waist as he hoist me up onto his desk. I lay down across his desk knocking grading papers off his table. He raised his eyebrow at me but shrugged it off as he climbed on top of me pinning me to his desk. He kissed me longingly as I moaned yet again. I sat up and sat on the edge off the desk with my legs wrapped around Severus's waist. He began to play with the zip on my dress.
"Severus." I said between moans. "Your room." I ordered. He picked me up as he walked to his room. We didn't once break apart as he put me on the end of his four post bed. He pulled the zip down on my dress as I tugged and pulled at his cape. he pulled it off making it easier for me to get to his clothes. I unbuttoned every button of his vest. He was now shirtless as I was in my underwear. I tugged at the belt around his trousers till it came loose and his trousers fell to the floor. He tackled me onto the bed and climbed onto me once again. It was like a little game. He un-hocked my bra clasps as I tugged at the elastic of his boxers. He pulled my bra off and took in the view of my breasts. He smirked as we now lay against each other completely stark naked. 
"S-Severus" I moaned as he thrust against me in a repeated pattern.
"R-Rose" He would say between breaths letting out a little moan here and there. I was finally Severus's by heart and soul and now by body as well. I was his and only his.
~Scene ends~
We lay next to each other cuddling under the covers slightly covered in a fresh film of sweat.
"Happy birthday."
"This was by far the best birthday present I have ever received." He said. I kissed him on the lips.
"I love you Severus. Forever and always."
"And I love you Rose."

Hey guys. this is the third from last chapter. i hope you have enjoyed this. Im sorry to tell you that there will not be a sequal. xoxo ~ Love you all ~Jodie xoxo

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