Chapter 15.

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Heyy my glorious readers. Please i beg of you to read my other story. Im really disappointed only 17 people have read it and it was published a little while back. I will promise to update more often if you give the other book a chance. I promise to be a good author. Pretty please with cherries on top. Anyway heres the next chapter.~Jodie :)

Chapter 15. My mum...... dead.....not possible. I sat still strapped in the car unharmed andsobbing while my mum just stayed still-lifeless. I didnt want to move as I felt as though i would make the care move again. I just as still as I could but still uncontrollably sobbing. I heard numerous people running towards the car, screaming, shouting and cussing.   "Hello? Are you alright in there?! We have called an anbulance and fire station to come cut you out the car!" Someone shouted through the windscreen. The man gasped and ran back towards his wife and other strangers. I could hear them talking though only a few words as my head was still spinning. " Young girl...... pretty...... unharmed..." They must have seen me through the remains of the car and the fact that im perfectly fine though crying. I didnt care about myself at the moment all I cared for was my mother. She was dead and yet she was still bleeding soaking her once perfect outfit. I wonder how Wymark will react. Wait a minute. Whos to be my carer? Surely not 'him'. Then my mums words came rushing through my head as clearly as they were spoken moments ago. 'Oh dont be so stubborn Rose'. This made me cry more- if that's possible.   I heard sirens wailing and the lights finally reached the side of the bank we barrel rolled down. I heard many doors open and slam shut. One pair of foot steps could be heard running towards the car. Someone leaned down and looked through my side of the car window. "Miss are you alright? We will be cutting you out the car momentarily. Just remain calm and don't move." "Sir you have to help my mother! Shes..... n-n-not.. m-mov-moving." I said through whimpers. The man peered round me to look at my lifeless mother. He just lowered his head and began to walk away to discuss the plans with the rest of the fire crew. The ambulance and paramedics team waited patiently for the car to be dismantled.   I waited for what seemed like hours and the door was finally cut off and I was free to move again. Someone carried me briddle style towards the paramedics team quickly. I was sat on a gurney and examined by several doctors.   "Whats your name miss?" "R-Rose B-Black sir." "Alright Rose well your perfectly unharmed. Your lucky to be alive though it remains a mystery why you are. Do you have anyone we can call like your father or anything?" "Ummm no sir my father has long since been dead but mother and I were on our way to a theme park though I don't know what one but my mothers boyfriend should be there." "Ok miss. We will drive you to the closest amusement park and get this boyfriend of your mothers to take you home." And with that I sat in the back of an ambulance on the way to a theme park to meet Wymark for the first time.    About half an hour later we came to a stop and the doors were opened for me to step out into the parking lot. There stood a man with brown hair and a stubbly face and mahogany eyes. I walked up to him with a paramedic. "Excuse me sir do you happen to be Wymark dating Miss Roses mother?" He looked shocked and upset. "Yes. Why what has happened?" The doctor looked at me and pulled Wymark away slightly to have a private chat. I watched his facial expression change and he looked angry and distraught at the same time. They both returned and looked at me. The doctor spoke first. "Miss we are sorry to have to tell you this but your mother has died. There was no way she could have survived an impact such as the one you endured. We are all completely shocked that you lived. Anyway we are sorry for your loss." I nodded and the doctor to his leave and left me to stand with Wymark. I was began to sob again. But he just stood there and watched me. I spoke up.     "U-umm hello sir. I'm Rose. Ummm are you to be my carer now?" He looked shocked like as if I asked a preposterous question. He merely took a sharp intake of air. "As if I would care for a brat like you!" I froze. Maybe he was mad at me because hes girlfriend, my mother, died. I huffed and walked off and stood on the other side of the cracked brick wall. I pulled out my phone and dialed Cliare's number.   "Heyy Birthday girl!!" "Hello Claire." "Oh my Rose whats wrong?" "Get your parents and head to" I looked round the wall and looked at the theme park name "Pleasure beach, I need a lift." "Why can your mum do it Rose?" "CLAIRE PLEASE! I will explain when you get to me." She sighed. "Ok. Be there in about half an hour." With that she hung up. That gave me some time to think. Why did my necklace glow in the car crash and why was I unharmed?   This is definitely Severus's doing. As soon as I get to Claire's i'm owling that bat! I sighed. I shouldn't be angry at him but i'm curious as to what this necklace can do. I waited for a little while longer and Claire and her parents turned up. Claire burst out the car and constricted me in a hug.   "ROSE WHATS WRONG?!" "A-a-ai-air." She let go and looked me in the eye. I began to ball my eyes out. "S-shes d-d-d-dead! Claire shes gone." She just shhh'd me and pulled me into a warming hug. We walked to the car like this and began our travel back to her house. This is by far the worst birthday anybody in the wizarding world could ever have.

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